I want to be able to convert a US produced, region 1, NTSC DVD, bought as a present for my grand-daughter, and burn it onto a replacement DVD that will play on her parents' UK, region 2, PAL/SECAM DVD player & digital television and, also, upon their iMac.
It's just that one review I read, looking at Mac DVDRipper Pro and MacTheRipper, implied that only MacTheRipper deals with the region code restriction - Additionally, MacTheRipper lets you remove region coding (the scheme
that restricts DVDs to being played in the geographical region in which its sold).
See the 4th paragraph of "The basics and beyond" in http://www.macworld.com/article/1150757/dvdripping_roundup.html
I read elsewhere that there should be no problem playing an NTSC DVD on a PAL/SECAM digital television, though this isn't the case the other way round.
It's the region code restriction that bugs me. We all live in the UK - region 2 - and, when I tried the DVD on my iMac, I encountered the 5 changes and you're stuck with the last regional code change restriction. The trouble is, this DVD is the only version of a really good children's story that I'm sure will be much appreciated, but I don't want to inflict this region code problem on my grand-daughter's folks.
One further point. I see Digi@rty advertise a freebie "MacX DVD Ripper", that one can "upgrade to MacX DVD Ripper Pro". I see there are spelling differences!! Is this latter version one and the same as Mac DVDRipper Pro?
If so, and assuming that the freebie deals with the region code problem, could I not get what I want using just the freebie and my iMac's Disc Utility?
All contributions gratefully received . . .
It's just that one review I read, looking at Mac DVDRipper Pro and MacTheRipper, implied that only MacTheRipper deals with the region code restriction - Additionally, MacTheRipper lets you remove region coding (the scheme
that restricts DVDs to being played in the geographical region in which its sold).
See the 4th paragraph of "The basics and beyond" in http://www.macworld.com/article/1150757/dvdripping_roundup.html
I read elsewhere that there should be no problem playing an NTSC DVD on a PAL/SECAM digital television, though this isn't the case the other way round.
It's the region code restriction that bugs me. We all live in the UK - region 2 - and, when I tried the DVD on my iMac, I encountered the 5 changes and you're stuck with the last regional code change restriction. The trouble is, this DVD is the only version of a really good children's story that I'm sure will be much appreciated, but I don't want to inflict this region code problem on my grand-daughter's folks.
One further point. I see Digi@rty advertise a freebie "MacX DVD Ripper", that one can "upgrade to MacX DVD Ripper Pro". I see there are spelling differences!! Is this latter version one and the same as Mac DVDRipper Pro?
If so, and assuming that the freebie deals with the region code problem, could I not get what I want using just the freebie and my iMac's Disc Utility?
All contributions gratefully received . . .
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