Mac & External HD error code - a little help?


-61 - wrPermErr - Write permissions error; Not a publisher

I get that error code every time I attempt to delete anything from my external HD. I haven't the slightest clue as to how to fix it, or even were to look.

What would cause that?

Thanks guys/gals!
Agh, figured it out! The external drive needs to be formatted for HFS or Mac OS X Extended. The Window junk is NTFS, thats what I used it on originally. \

So I have to drag and save everything I want from my HD to my MBP desktop, then re-format the external to read/write Mac OS X Extended, then save everything back to the HD again. At least its a good chance to organize my shit and back-up my blog & MBP.

Gonna take 5 hours probably, damnit.

Anyway, problem solved. Thanks for checking it out!