Mac Halo released December 3

Excellent, only 2 years and 2 months later than originally anticipated...well, not MacSoft's fault...
I may buy that game yet...
Yep, he's seen me put that before. I think he enjoys being a substitute for arguably one of the worst words in English.
It's not here yet. We still have two months to go. And who knows how long they'll push it back when those two months are up. :D
If it turns out the port has the same worse quality as the PC port I am afraid it won't run very well. The PC port suffered from various performance problems (slowdown when fireing, slowdown if there are more than 3 enemies onscreen, mostly in indoor level).
These performace problems are related to the overuse of various pixel shader. It seems who ever made the port thought: "Well, we can create a ok looking shader effects with three lines of code, why should we care about high-res textures?"
Honestly I have a meaty system 'Athlon 2600XP, Radeon 9700, 1 Gbyte of RAM, 80Gbyte HD and hadn't problems with recent games (except Halo). Furthermore a lot of people report the same problems. Simply do a search at the forums.
I like that whole...simultaneous release bit they said was going to happen. I'm sorry, but 2-3 months afterwards is not simultaneous. So I have an X-box and Halo, but you can't play over X-Box Connect with a Mac...
Don't you love how this once Mac-only title is coming out, what, 3 years after it was supposed to, and it won't even be as good as it was supposed to be?

maybe they're fixing the problems they had on the pc =)

any word on cross-platform multiplayer support?
I have a PC similar to Ifrit's and I experience the same choppiness, etc... I don't understand how it could get messed up so badly. So wait up for the release if you're planning on buying a new video card or whatever.
arden said:
Don't you love how this once Mac-only title is coming out, what, 3 years after it was supposed to, and it won't even be as good as it was supposed to be?


I already mentioned this once in this forum. Halo was never going to be Mac only. Why do people always insist that it was going to be a Mac only release? It was first shown to select members of the Press at the 99 E3... on a PC. They didn't even have the Mac version ready to show Jobs 12 days before MWNY 99. They had to demo the PC version for him. They were very fortunate to get the Mac version up and running properly for the demo. My source? A video interview back from 99. You can find it at's movie archive (page 16) or the direct link (slow download):
Yeah, I saw that thread. I retract that statement... well, partially, at least, seeing as it was supposed to be a simultaneous release of an outstanding product, not a crappy port 3 years later.