mac mail to entourage - transferring


Can i transfer EVERYTHING including folders from mac mail to entourage? My reason for the change (because I like Mac Mail) is that when I send images to Outlook users, sometimes they cant see or open my attachments. If I switch to Entourage my network admin can support me on the exchange server and troubleshoot. This is such a frustrating issue because it doesn't happen with every image or to every Outlook user. I've spent a long time troubleshooting with both my network admin and Apple. My network admin blames something with Mac Mail and Apple says everything is working fine. HELP!!!!!

Also, if I transfer to Entourage is it permanent or will all my info still be in Mac Mail?
Yes once you import from Mail to Entourage then all your items will be imported.
You will need to run a few imports to get the email messages, contacts and calendars.

FYI if you zip your attachments they will always make it through to Outlook, the problems happens when Apple Mail tries to store some images inline with the message and Outlook cannot understand that. Zipping attachments or switching to Entourage will resolve this.