Mac Mini (G4 1.42ghz) Network Issues


I'm having an odd issue with my mac mini. I'm running the latest OS X release for Tiger. The mini is connected directly to my router and this issue appeared out of no where while before it was working correctly.

First, I get very slow transfers to the mini from any computer on my network. This includes FTP and SSH connections take much too long.

Next, I can't make any outgoing connections from the mini. I can't connect to any local IPs (I can ping them just fine though) & I can't resolve any hosts nor can I connect to any remote IPs.

I didn't change *anything* on the mini's side, and I can't even think of where to start to figure out this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is the firewall on? did you activate Sharing under system Prefs? On the windows computers...what is under the network WINDOWS NETWORK, HOME, MSNETWORK? I have all my PC's under HOME. Change to that network and reboot. see if you can find home under the mac mini's network and enable sharing on the PC's. and you MUST select each drive, folder ETC to share and view the info on that computer. has a great review on how to do it all. Check out that site and do a search also
I'll check to see if firewall is enabled tonight after work.

I'm not sure the windows PC's MS network information is an issue at all, since I'm not even using windows file sharing. FTP is much faster (though not for me right now :()