Mac mini without display


Can I connect a Mac mini with a 12" Powerbook to use the PB screen with it? and how?
I mean using the PB screen with a Mac mini.
'Can I connect a Mac mini with a 12" Powerbook to use the PB screen with it? - yes

'... and how?' - ...

01. Connect a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the Mac Mini, and turn ON the Mac Mini. (A network connection - wired / wireless, is assumed.)
02. Download 'OSXvnc' Install it on the Mac Mini.
03. Download 'Chicken of the VNC' onto the PowerBook 12".
04. Launch and configure 'OSXvnc.
05. Launch 'Chicken of the VNC', and connect to Mac Mini.
06. Disconnect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor from the Mac Mini.