.mac Movie isn't Working!!!!


A Mac New Guy
I made a 2003 movie. I copied it into iDisk and everything. Then I got it onto the website. But it won't start! I have two accounts on my computer. It only works on the account in which it was made, nowhere else. It is a family movie, so I told the family(who are all over the U.S)about it. They didn't get any response either. I just don't get it. They have the software and everything. It isn't starting except on that one account. is it a problem with .mac or something else?

Is the file password locked? It's a quicktime movie? What size? Have you had this problem before?
It is not password locked. It is a quicktime movie. I don't really know the size, but it is 6 or 7 minutes long. I have had this problem before only with photos. I put them onto the .mac homepage, and when i went to the website again only a few or none would show up. It is not because I didn't wait long enough, believe me.