mac msn problems


k well i just downloaded the new mac msn 6.0. but a problem occurs. i can't sign in. i try to sign in, but am displayed the message:

Sign in failed because the password is incorrect or the sign-in name does not exist. If you have forgotten your password, choose Help Topics from the Help Menu.

I was just running 5.1 a few mins ago, and when i get the new version, i get this message. i have checked numerous times to make sure i have everything typed correctly. i signed in and out of windows live, and even changed my password, and still am not having any luck.

i have also deleted everything left behind from the older version, and have uninstalled and reinstalled the new version numerous times.

what else could it be?
since updating my OS to 10.4.8, my messenger ver 5.1.1 has failed...downloaded 6.0 and now I can't even connect. It still tells me that the service is either not available or I have no internet connection.

anyone experiencing similar problems and do you have a fix?
since updating my OS to 10.4.8, my messenger ver 5.1.1 has failed...downloaded 6.0 and now I can't even connect. It still tells me that the service is either not available or I have no internet connection.

anyone experiencing similar problems and do you have a fix?

Have you tried the recommendations above your post? From what i've read, Microsoft has produced yet another crippled version for Mac OS X. Amsn or Adium should do the trick for you.
after mac msn quit working i started using mercury messenger. its not bad. i just like the setup of mac msn better, and was hoping to use it instead. but if its not going to work, oh well.
Amsn is actually more like MSN Messenger in look and feel from what I've been told. I don't use it, but I hear it is excellent as a MSN replacement. I actually use Adium since I'm on AIM and Yahoo as well.
I find that amsn freezes up on me constantly and adium doesn't recieve/send all messages from and to contacts... and I have the same sign-in problem on msn for mac. Whyyy isn't there a good messenger program out there for macs!??