Mac Office 2004 - resume wizard?


Simply Daemonic
hi All!
I cannot seem to find a resume wizard in Office 04.
I found 3 resume templates on

Anyone have any idea where to get more (free) templates and/or a resume wizard ?

Design your own? ... I mean: There's much literature about what a resume has to contain and in what order etc. I'd make a clean and good one myself, if I were you.
I was feeling a bit lazy :rolleyes:
Oh well, it's not due for a few weeks :) The info I have already - I just wanted templates with ideas about designs & typefaces :)
Find some resumes written by others in your field who have been successful in getting jobs and look at them for ideas. When I was reading a lot of resumes I was grateful when I found one that was clear and easily readable. I preferred a serif typeface such as Lucida Bright and a fair amount of whitespace. I hated gimmicky resumes and resumes on colored paper with a poorly contrasting font color.