Mac OS 10.1

If you own 10.0, all you have to do is

1) walk in to an Apple store and request a copy of 10.1
2) Walk in to a participating CompUSA, Circuit City, or other authorized Apple dealer and requsest the 10.1 upgrade CD
3) Use Apple's Up-To-Date program and pay the $19.95 s/h fees to have it shipped to you.

If you do 1 or 2, you will probably want to bring one of your OS X Coupons with you to prove ownership...

Good luck...
.... the walk-in-free-upgrade-thing lasted only until the end of October, but that might've been changed. Just a notice.
Actually, I got the 10.1 upgrade for mom last month. But then again I know my Apple dealer pretty well. But apple is supposed to let you stay current for a year, right?
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if I purchase the new OS X.1 in the coming weeks, will all my graphic/web programs works under the classsic mode or should I wait until most of the graphic/web programs such as Adobe Photoshop(due out in 6 months from now), Adobe Illustrator, Quark, Flash, Dreamweaver/GoLive are carbonized for the Unix Based OS X.1.

Thanking you in advance,

P.S. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!!!