Mac OS 10.2.x and Norton Products


Discussion Request - Mac OS 10.2.x and Norton Products

During my days with Mac OS 10.1.x, I purchased Norton Systemworks 2.0 and Norton Internet Security 2.0. Together, that amounts to approximately 6 or 7 separate Norton applications running on my Macintosh to "protect it against damage, viruse, hacks, etc." Norton products worked fine in 10.1.x.

I upgraded to Jaguar when it was released. After a Norton LiveUpdate to keep my software current, I was informed that a "kext" file needed to be fixed. I allowed this by choosing "fix and use" and ever since, my OS configuration had been corrupt...unexpected things would happen. For example, all users except me could not access Classic. Even a newly created user could not launch Classic.

Enough. :(

I wanted Norton products off my computer. Symantec sent me a standalone command line program that would zap all elements/traces of any Norton program from my computer. (:D) I ran it and have never looked back. Everything works fine. And, all users have access to Classic now. (Note: I also reinstalled Jaguar using the Archive option just to be sure Norton was gone.)

It's been several months of normal activity, both offline and online, and my computer is healthy, not infected, hacked, etc. I'm really concerned about what to do with my Norton Products. I'm past returning them for a refund. I've used them off and on for over ten years. Do I really need them any longer?

How about you? What has been your experience with Mac OS 10.2.x and Norton Products?
I want to defrag but I fear what it would do to my X partition. i use it for my other 4 partitions though. It works well for me whne a partition has problems, or unmounts, so it's worth having.
there are several other similar and MUCH BETTER products available. Techtool Pr, DiskWarrior/Plus Optimizer, Drive 10 to name the main ones. dump Norton anyway you choose - it almost eems unethical to resell them, but rest assured you don't need them. you have witnessed first hand their reputation for causing more problems thn they solve.
Yes, I too used to have problems with many apps when running Norton apps. So I dumped it too! All is well now.

BUT ... for some reason I did not COMPLETELY get rid of NAV. Once in a while when I download software it will run just after StuffIt expands the downloaded file. Anyone know WHICH Norton app is executed which permits NAV to function? Is it a hidden background app, ??

I tried following the instructions on Symantec's website for removing all Sym apps (as I said above that I did -- for the most part) but I can't seem to get rid of one last nasty bugger.

Incidentally, I obviously still keep the NAV app on my HD b/c otherwise I would not be able to tell if I was ever successful in removing the hidden app. Once NAV is no longer EVER called into action, then I will know that the bugger is gone!

Any ideas?
Thanks for the discussion. :D

It's unfortunate that Symantec can't work more closely with Apple on Mac OS X releases, i.e., within days, if not the same day, Apple releases an update, Symantec has the proper updates available for all it's products. :rolleyes:
it's unfortunate that symantec can't make a better product and not release betas to the public before they are ready and not rlease finals that are no more than betas. :(
Well, I've never used any symantec product in OS X... I do defrag my disks via OS 9, using a speed disk profile made for OS X alongside other applications...