Mac os 10.2

More control over Mac OS X installation: They could and should make things like iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes etc. selectable/deselctable. Also iTools. It's a nice feature but if I don't need it I don't want it. But also consider that every harddisk Apple sells in a computer is now 10GB or larger. Even a fully installed Mac OS X doesn't take up more than 1.2 GB. The really bad thing is that you can't REINSTALL parts. If I choose to delete an application like TextEdit or Network Utility, I have no chance of getting it back without reinstalling from scratch or copy from another machine (both solutions aren't good enough for most users).

About 10.2: The 6B11 screenshots are old. It seems like Apple has stopped some leaks now, as newer pics are nowhere to be found. Yes, the build is from 2001, but copyright notes are never a proof about any fake or something. It's alpha/beta software and fixes like the copyright notes can take place late in the dev stages.
Originally posted by kommakazi
Those "screen shots" of Jaguar are bunk, look at the one of the About This Mac screen, it says copyright 1983-2001 Apple Computer. It is 2002 last time I checked.

You've got 10.1.3 ? Check the "about this Mac", and you'll see the same "1983-2001"... Last time I checked, it was 2002 here too ;)
Does nobody have a newer build of 10.2 and can spill some beans about how the installation went and whether it's already useable to some extent? Also, normally those thingies contain release notes and the installation gives you a logfile... Post, post, post. :)
lol, isn't it funny that the guy who started this rumor and posted these pictures hasn't posted one message since his preliminary 2? maybe he didn't know how to defend his "photos". allright, i'll shut up now
He isn't the first to post those. I believe ThinkSecret was the first to post them on back in December. I personally have a tendancy to believe a little bit more about ThinkSecret's news items, especially since they don't break until they have a reliable source on the matter.
The discussion is all great, but does anyone have any info on WHEN it (10.2, 10.5 whatever..) might be released?

Wether there's an upgrade cost or not doesn't bother me so much, if it's really got updated support for my wallstreet's RAGE card*, the upgrade cost for more speed has got to be cheaper than a new processor.

*(see yesterday's post on - March 12th)

10.2 was actually initially targeted to be released at the 2002 MWSF a few months ago, although back in November was pushed back to 2002 MWNY because of concerns about quality insurance, plus it gives them time for more Stuff(tm) :p

Expect MacOS X 10.2 announced this July, and out by September. However, I see a lot of people expecting 10.5 to follow 10.2 like MacOS 8 did. MacOS 8 was pushed through its life quickly, partly so the new OS could be called MacOS X :p MacOS X is in fact still pretty young and has a lot of work to be done in it before Apple can start legitimately pushing for a release worthy of the number 11. Expect 10.3 to follow 10.2. Even if Apple skips a little I expect quite a few "X" builds... 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 at the least. Of course, what's in a name? Each of these small increments will probably pack more improvements than we saw from 8 to 8.5. Only when X is really mature do I think Apple will start looking to start a successor. Probably once 10.6 comes out.

OK. I know it's a dead horse, but until I hit the lottery I'm living in OS 9 world. Which isn't terrible of course and certainly faster. I still hope Apple will make good on it's word about OS X FULLY supporting G3s.
Originally posted by boomw
OK. I know it's a dead horse, but until I hit the lottery I'm living in OS 9 world. Which isn't terrible of course and certainly faster. I still hope Apple will make good on it's word about OS X FULLY supporting G3s.

Well, Apple didn't really break its word, ATi didn't want to write drivers for those older cards, and neither did Apple (since it wasn't Apple hardware, and Apple doesn't like writing drivers for other companies).
I suppose technically you could say that the graphics system in Lombard is an Apple product since I believe they integrate the ATI graphics chips at the board level. It is not like you could pull out a graphics card from a Lombard and pop in another.
You also have to remember that Apple is the type of company where they are happy to let other people like ATi provide the hardware they need, BUT, Apple tends to make it clear that ATi/NVidia/Epson/HP/etc are the ones that need to foot the bill to get support done. Apple provides the support to get the code finished, but Apple doesn't want to foot the bill for the development.

Aple just doesn't like spending money for someone else's benefit, especially when the other company widens their profit margins doing so. I believe Jobs brought this mindset back, and it definitely makes sense when you see Apple's new policies for pricing updates and whatnot.
1) MIDI support. Yeah, I know, Apple has promised Core Audio services. But there aren't any MIDI programs that work in OSX yet, which is frustrating because that's the main reason I bought a dual-500 (used, during MacWorld Expo, only to find out a week later! that the dual-1ghz were coming out)

2) Then of course, we'll need OSX versions of MIDI apps. Now that Propellerhead has announced Reason 2.0 for OSX, we have reason to really get anxious. Also I'm interested to see how fast Emagic can have get 5.1 out of the gate. I'm not holding my breath for Digi to update ProTools any time soon, but it would behoove them to update the drivers for my Digi001.

3) The next step will be to carbonize all my VST plugins: Reaktor, Attack, Waldorf, Pro52, Battery, B4, LM4. Just like Photoshop users will be hosed when they try to use their favorite plugins in PS7 under OSX...

'til then, I'm stuck in 9.x
i bet that 10.2 will come out at the same time as adobe photoshop 7, and that would be sometime in april, possibly may.

(i was right when i prdicted the release of livemotion 2 and golive 6, myabe i have achance here )
Yeah, Steve Job promised that Apple would build OS X so it could run on the original iMac (with it's 32mb of ram-hehe). Well if that's true, Steve should use that same iMac (I will even give him 384Mb of ram) with X for a month as his main machine at Apple headquarters. I think we would have ati drivers faster than you can say "WinXP is just Win2K with the OS 9 Multiple-users login Duck".

My beige G3 at 500Mhz with an Rage 128 feels like its stuck in molasses when I use X; then the dreaded rainbow CD of death - Uhg! And that Mac is *much* faster than a 333Mhz or 400Mhz Lombard. Yes, X can be used on those machines, but it is not *usable*, there is a big difference. At work, we were excited about iphoto, so we downloaded and tried to play around with it on the 400mhz Lombard - we were soooo disappointed. It was just too painfully slow to use.

So you can see that my main concern for X.II, aka 10.2, Xv2, X.2 is better support for all G3 based Macs, especially powerbooks prior to TiBooks. (I don't have any results from a 500Mhz Pbook 2000 (FW), but I would gander that it would be smoked by a 350Mhz G4 Yikes in X).

Everyone speculates that the video card drivers are the *only* thing that will help speed up older G3s, but maybe there are other changes that could be made. What about a more efficiently programmed finder based in Cocoa, rather than Carbon? What about a set of sub-routines that would make cpu driven quartz render faster. If Apple has been reworking 10.2 since November, I hope they give us a little boost.

10.2 needs:
older ati drivers (duh)
better overal performance
more efficient utilization of dual processors
force empty the trash to remove stubborn files
a cocoa based finder
more built-in file sharing options
built-in cascading and customizeble apple menu (fruit menu rocks!)

My predictions:
10.2 released at developers conference in May
10.2 provides support for up to 4 processors
10.2 includes more scanner drivers
10.2 provides a modest gain in performance
10.2 includes advances on the server side (could be anything)

thanks for peeping,
I just need a few simple things

*) Labels
*) Sherlock that isn't as slow as crap (he was good in 9)
*) Ability to hit "l" when opening a file from within a program to go to the files that began with "l"
*) Ability to sort files in a list by kind and not have to wait for results
*) Trash to tell me how much stuff is in it. (size wise)
*) Ability to customize the look. I'd love to be able to choose from houndreds of skins.

That's all i can think of for now
