Mac OS 11?

Originally posted by Androo
wooooow i never looked in this thread! I made it, then i thought it would die out so i didn't bother....
I hope it will have only a nifty name like Tranquillity, or Nucleus, or Element, something of that sort.... Mac OS 11 couldn't be the name of it, since there was such a cool, slick new name for 10. Maybe that's why apple hasn't moved onto a new os yet, and are still doing the whole 10.3 and 10.3.1 type thing with the second decimal place as a new OS. Maybe that's why they won't release 11 for a while: because of the name!
I hope 11 won't come for a while, since i like the aqua appearance, and they might make something worse for 11. Only time can tell....

I think you're getting ahead of yourself a bit there. How long was it between OS 8 and 9? I don't think they have done anything so significant as to deserve a totally new OS number.
I still laugh at how many people get all drummed up about the fact that X is a ROMAN NUMERAL which yes, is read aloud as "ten".

Back on topic, I could care less what the OS is called, I care about what it offers to the world.

Right now, my favorite OS is X, on a very powerful computer.