Mac OS 9.2.2 slowdown prblem


I've got MacOS9.2.2 installed on a 450Mhz G4 Tower and for some reason I am getting major slowdowns. For example, if I leave the machine for 10 minutes and then come back, text appears very slowly. I can type entire sentences then sit back and watch the letters actually appear quite slowly.

Any ideas what can cause this kind of slowdown? It seems to be in every program that text can be typed into.

Check your RAM, use Norton or any application to clean your HD ... That should solve it normally. If it doesn't, remove some extensions and zap some PRAM :) Be careful though ...

This happends to me too. windows open really slowly... it seems to happend when I leave Adobe illustrator open for a long time.
I don't think there are any filesystem problems. This was based on a fresh install of 9.2.2 on a clean formatted drive and started showing up while I was using quark xpress. In any case, just in case anyone reading this has similar problems...

I noticed the slowdown under two separate conditions.

1. When I left the machine for about 10-15 minutes or more and then came back to work with it. I solved this problem by changing the settings in my energy saver control panel. I don't know if my computer has a problem on waking from sleep but setting the machine to never sleep seems to have solved that problem.

2. When I used Quark Xpress or had it in the background the computer would occasionally freeze or be slow to respond for a few seconds at a time every once in awhile. In Quark's prefs I noticed that is was set to automatically make 3 backups every certain interval. Every time it backed up, the machine would freeze up for the length of the time it took for Quark to make the backup. Set it to make fewer or no auto backups (if you trust yourself to save your work) to solve this problem.
My problem is, that in the long run all the applications will go slower and slower. At some point I just have to install everyting again (to get more performance). That's why I made a thread yesterday (OS 9.2.2 BootCD) anyone konw how to make one?