Mac OS 9.2 - Can't let go.....


Hi Peeps

Does anyone still use 9.2?

I find it still the best OS for what I do, - Digital design..

Am I just not letting old habbits die, or shall I fight till the end?

Will I really see much benifits running Jaguar?

I found 10.1 way to slow for my work, please help me decide if I should make the move....

and show your support for OS 9......if any?
Do you want the truth? I think it's better to stay in 9 and not know anything about X, then be in X and miss 9 a bit. Because now I'm in X, and don't want to go back to 9 cause of the graphical interface, but the speed is much better. I ay if you haven't checked out X yet, just stay in 9 until you can't anymore. But, apple will stop supporting 9 over time, so it's a hard decision.
I agree,

I think its a shame to see all of the development over the years on mac OS 9 to just fade away.

It could be a while until X reaches a mature state, and more importantly untill the average user has a computer fast enough to run the damn thing.....

X may be a little ahead of its time, and the move is probably for the better, but I guess we are just in that awkward transition state of tweaking and testing.

Don't think I will jump ship just yet
Maybe I will go down with the her like a loyal sailor.
I have a thing to add.... if, however, you find that your Mac is crashing at least a few times a week, you might consider switching to X..... there's no doubt that, in general, X is more stable than 9..... but not quite as snappy.... so if you spend a lot of your time staring at the Mac OS logo, maybe it's time to upgrade.... maybe.

Another thing: Got a lot of legacy (i.e. serial, SCSI, ADB...) or other older hardware? Yet another reason not to switch to X. Mac OS X may support some of these devices, but definitely not all, the way 9 did.

Once you have the budget, and a good machine, though, go ahead and upgrade... OS X is definitely my OS of choice, though.
There's an OS 9 AND an OS X? I just got the Internet for this old LC running 7.1, and I had no idea! ;)

If you have a lot of programs that run better in 9 than X (as I do, much as I like 10.2), you should stick with it for now. If you have the hardware for it and don't mind running certain programs in Classic, though, definitely go for X. I suggest a G4 at 600 Mhz or more.
...that old friend who no matter what he's done to you or still does, you cannot stop liking him/her! :rolleyes:

Anyways, if one has anything more than G3/any speed/192MB RAM he/she should try OS X...

If and only if, he/she has hardware os software which cannot work under OS X or is too expensive to upgrade, he/she should stay with OS 9 until he/she can find a way to migrate towards the OS X way of doing things... Or until he/she choses the Dark Side :rolleyes:

OS 9 is so much Classic ;) for me...

if i didnt switch to osx i wouldnt be here ;)

what are your system specs? i find you need a pretty decent computer to run it sufficiently for design work...
My specs are:

G4 933
120 GB HD
20" Cinema Display

I realise these specs should suit Jaguar, but I was not impressed by 10.1 too much,

Is 10.2 much faster?
Jaguar is the 22-year-old, maturing adult to 10.1's 14-year-old adolescent. A G4/933 is an excellent computer for running 10.2. If you use Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Freehand, etc., you should definitely make the switch; if you are dependent on Quark, either upgrade to Indesign or stick with Classic.

Ever notice how many classic cars you see on the road, even though there are much newer, more fully-featured cars out? Classic is like that. And I don't see anyone trying to make those people drive the latest, greatest cars. Just a thought.