Mac OS X 10.3.2 soon

Sorry. So have you noticed anything in particular different about the beta 10.3.2, Fryke? I'm particularly interested in whether or not some of the CIFS client/server (windows file/printer sharing) stuff has been fixed.

I just noticed tonight that when trying to connect to a printer in 10.3.1 from my Windows PC, it will actually try to make a NEW connect BACK to the Windows PC for some bizarre reason (and this is AFTER authentication has happened between the two, after I've gotten a share list, etc). While doing this, the CIFS server just hangs altogether, even if it is never able to connect back to the Windows PC. In the meantime, Windows eventually times out after 45 seconds and tries again (this is normal), which starts the whole process over.

This caused problems for me - to connect into work I have to run a firewall software on my PC that blocks all incoming connections (I can shut it off if I'm not VPNed into work, but usually don't have any reason to, and didn't in this case). Instead it also hung on the Windows side (probably would have given up eventually, but I'm not that patient).

Bleh. Anyway... =)

I'm liking 10.3 because it really smokes. My old G3 400 Imac DV was the first victim. It loads faster and smoother! Wow! I'm happy about that.

I'm curious about the SMB stuff as well. We'll see.
Erhm... My post vanished... Strange. Okay: Here again... I can't test the Windows printing issue here, sadly... But the areas of change can be read at the URL of the initial post.
Captain Code said:
Graphics drivers update! I hope there is a better GeForce driver.

I second that! I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 128 DDR and it runs like a GeForce 2 MX does on a PC!!!!!!!!!!!
UNIX X11 said:
WTF? 10.3.1, Security updates, wtf? am i running Windows XP?
No, you aren't running WinXP, however, there are a number of security related problems that will crop up from time to time. The key is making sure your userbase is patched up ASAP. Not to mention the huge Firewire 800 Oxford 922 bridge SNAFU under 10.3.0.

Sometimes **** happens, and you just have to have it cleaned up. The problem I have with MS/Windows on this is that very few critical security updates are properly documented to the end user doing the update, and all I know is that I am patching X app. Not to mention that if I do a clean install, I have to patch a few dozen times, rather than 1-2 times.
I also must say: If I compare Windows XP updates to Mac OS X updates, I see very clear definitions on what's upgraded and why on Mac OS X' SU, while I basically read the same message again and again (with marginally different wording) when updating Windows XP... I don't know if they do it on purpose, but Windows' updates make me often feel like I shouldn't care anyway... I feel much more at home with Apple's texts for updates.
On a clean XP install there is over 60+mb of least 25mb of those are security updates...we are nowhere close to that, heh.

oh yeah, that doesn't include Service Pack 1....that's after SP1 :)
Just a note ON topic for a change... 7D15 apparently has problems with Dreamweaver (and possibly other Macromedia software not using clean dialogue boxes): Can't use the buttons in dialogue boxes...
fryke said:
Just a note ON topic for a change... 7D15 apparently has problems with Dreamweaver (and possibly other Macromedia software not using clean dialogue boxes): Can't use the buttons in dialogue boxes...

I too installed the ADC version of 10.3.2 7D15 and it knacked my USB ports on my PowerBook G4 15" 1GHz. I could not use my external mouse, keyboard, camera or any USB device.

I check to see if the USB extension loaded in the System Profiler and it claims that it didn't.

I just spent the last 2 hours reinstalling Panther to fix the problem.

BE WARNED! It could happen to you!
fryke said:
I also must say: If I compare Windows XP updates to Mac OS X updates, I see very clear definitions on what's upgraded and why on Mac OS X' SU, while I basically read the same message again and again (with marginally different wording) when updating Windows XP... I don't know if they do it on purpose, but Windows' updates make me often feel like I shouldn't care anyway... I feel much more at home with Apple's texts for updates.
I agree with you Fryke. Not only are Mac OS X updates simple and trustworthy, it's made clear what's been changed. When I update Windows XP usually there's so many updates I don't bother. Something will cause me to have to format anyway so there's not really much use :D
However, that's probably only the _impression_ users get. Not all of Apple's updates are 'safe', as we know - and of course many of the WinXP updates _ARE_ critical, because of the worms making the rounds etc.
fryke said:
However, that's probably only the _impression_ users get. Not all of Apple's updates are 'safe', as we know - and of course many of the WinXP updates _ARE_ critical, because of the worms making the rounds etc.
True. Take (what was it now I don't remember?) Was it 10.2.6 that was the biggest 'disaster' of the Jaguar series?