Mac os x big disadvantage


Hi there all mac users,

Well I'm not a mac user yet, but actually I'm triying to be so. Therefore, I tried to install Mac OS X 10.2 on my laptop but unfortionately I've failed because simply my laptop's proccessor is Pentium III which regretfully does not match the Mac X requirements. Anyhow, recently I've heard from a fiend that mac could be installed on Pentium that true... I would be grateful if someone help me...
This is not true. It is rumored that Apple may use Intel chips in the future. But for the moment, Apple OS needs Apple/Motorola hardware.
In some cases, you can install Darwin to your peecee - but Darwin gives no guarantee on how it works on [intel] peecees. If you want something *X or OS X like and have an intel peecee, the closest you can get are FreeBSD, Debian and other Linuxes. OS X just needs Mac hardware to work on. Play with Linux untill you can afford (to buy or to change to) Mac hardware. For Darwin there is no guarantee of it working on any specific intel peecee. (Darwin is in the OS X) ~ That's what I did one day as well. Before having $ to get a Mac and OS X I played with my intels and Linux untill I was sure Linux was nice and Mac was still what I _really_ wanted. (No Intels now) :)
Can I ask why this is in How-To/FAQ? I'm not particurly complaining, however it seems it shouldn't be here...
I agree :)
Unless the topic is about "How to get misconducted by a fiend of yours", this is not in the right place :D
Ups, sorry I didn't notice it was in a wrong place :)
There are Mac Classic emulators for pc, but not OS X. So play with Linux and ... then get a Mac ;)
Emulating OS-X on W will be quite tough, but maybe someone will copy (sorry Apple) part of the user's interface on Linux
Simplest solution... best solution... could say only solution... unfortunately the most expensive solution. But that's the price to pay for quality. You want to drive a Porsche, you gotta fork over the G's.
Originally posted by Giaguara
There are Mac Classic emulators for pc, but not OS X.
Maybe not Application and/or running Systems ones but there's that that makes your PC look like OS X, check the page, they have some interesting MacOS X GUI emulation solutions... It could be worth it if you want to get used to the look of OS X... And yeah, get a Mac! :)