Mac OS X load average > 2,5 !!!! always



i had mac os x 10.1.1 on my B&W G3 350MHZ running just fine. - then I overclocked the processor to 400 MHZ (done this many times before). - an rebooted os x again - the machine was terribly slow !!- i opened "top" to see whats going on.... I had load average of at least 2,5 just right after booting :-( the cpu % of sys was most of the times at 90%-95%, leaving "nothing" to idle :-( ....i don't know what happened....

top didn't show a process in the process line that was using all the CPU and neither did process watcher...

I tried reinstalling the whole system...but it is still the same...

o, btw... mac os 9 is fast as ever on the system...I do have a 2nd graphicscard (voodoo 3 2000) and an adaptec 2940UW in the system and acer CDRW 2010...but that was never a problem with mac os x i don't think this has to do with the problem...

does anybody have a clue ?

I would be very thankfull...
I overclocked my B&W G3 450MHz to 500MHz and did not see the slowdown, although the machine build will be different.

I could not get the machine to go faster than 500MHz the CPU would not start.

When you ran TOP did you use "top -u" this will sort the jopbs with the highest CPU % in decending order, otherwise it lists the jobs in alphabetical order and sometime your job may well not come up.

If the suspect job does not appear in top, then its the kernel (which does not appear in top or ps -aux output) thats hogging the CPU.

You might try iostat 5 5, if MacOSX has it and also vmstat 5 5, (the numbers are just initial valuses, you can play with them as you like.

I have bee told that MacOSX 10.0 and maybe 10.1 is more fastideous about the interaction of clock speeds and bus speeds, than 8 and 9 were. Did you only change the clock sppeed of the CPU or did you do the buss as well?.

I am sorry I can't offer very much more at this time.

i only overclocked the processor, not the bus speed. I am on a different machine at the moment..but remeber that a process with id "0" had all the cpu%....there were 2 processes with id "0"
...can't remember which one it was at the moment...
but i think it was the "kernel"

but of course "kill -9" doesnt help here :-(

it is just very strange to see this after a clean install...

i had the same configuration on the same maschine a couple of months before (overclocked and Mac OS X) and back then there wasn't a problem...

any more help from the mac os x/unix gurus ?!?
Hello again

Processes with ID of "0" are not the "kernel" but will be owned by root, it will be something like the "sched"uler that hands out PID for processes starting up, it depends on the UNIX you are using.

Two processes with a PID of "0", now that is strange if not impossible.

I would try what "testuser" suggested just to see if you can boot at a slower speed, if it boots you will have a good start on where the problem lies, not the answer but somewhere to start looking.

Tell us what happend, because I may do the same on an iMAC as well.


well i checked it, there are 2 processes with the pid "0",
the kernel_tas(k) and the idle_threat.

on my system the kernel_tas(k) gets *all* the CPU% and the idle_threat gets none :-( strange, hu ? I'm sure it should be the other way around ;-)

i checked the top on mac os x box from a friend and there it looks cool and everything is fine...

so basically I am still stuck with my problem:
on a B&W G3 350MHZ/448MB/20GB IDE-HD/AcerCDRW (replaces the original DVD)/additional Voodoo 3 2000/Adaptec SCSI-UW 2940 and after 2 different clean installs of MacOS X (version 10.0, version 10.1)..i still have a load-average in top of about >2.5 where the system take about 95% of the CPU and the process "0" kernel_tas has all the CPU...

can anybody help me ??!?