Mac os X on G3 Powerbook?????


Mac Abuser
Hey guys i have a problem....

I was using my g3 Laptop w/ os X (10.1) and i cant get the floppy drive to eject a floppy disc.

Does anyone know if there is a key command, or somthing. There is no button on the actual floppy drive, so there must be a command of some sort...

Thanks in advance guys,

There's no floppy support on Mac OS X for internal floppy drives. Reboot holding down the mouse key.
Thanks, but that didnt seem to work. I can remove the floppy from my powerbook, but the floppy is still in it.

Any other ideas???
have you tried dragging the disk to the trash?

Unfortunatly, the disc isnt even showing up on my desktop.....Probably because it is not supported in X.

Try pressing F12?

I will try that. Is that an os9 command though???? I will try anything...

How about the old fashioned straightened-paper-clip trick?

Never heard of it. Not sure i want to. Is it hard???

Thanks guys,
Thanks to Adambyte...

For the professional advice of using a paper clip. That shit worked.....

No way you can just boot in OS9 and eject it ?
I was gonna resort to that if i had to. I would have had to re-install os 9 though.....

Thanks again,
Sorry. Wasn't sure how much of a Mac Geek you were. For those of you who don't know, there's always a little hole witha button right next to every floppy drive opening. If, for some crazy reason, a floppy won't eject (for instance, Mac OS X don't like floppies), simply straightenout a paper clip, stick the end in the hole, and push the button. (There's a button in there, believe it or not) Enjoy.