i'm canadian, which is much closer to usa than russia is, and i can tell you i' v spent over $3000 cnd dollars, (about $2300 usa) on a 466 g4 with 19 inch monitor, and that is more than a PC , but i consider it a good investment since i' v been using Pc's since i first saw a computer back in my home coutry, Romania (which is closer to russia than canada while we're at it!) and i've spent tons of monaey daily at computer clubs playing games
; and then when we moved to canada my parents bought a pc, (at this moment in my life i have neve even >>and i'm not joking<< HEARD what a mac or what apple is!!! then i went to scholl and everyone used a pc, and the school network was a pc network... and then i got a job at a photofinishing company... and things changed, i was intoduced to a macintosh, one of those ugly g3 in the beige cases, it was 3 years old, and my parents' computer was 2 years old, it was faster than my current pc, that's when things changed, no one told me macs are better, no one persuaded me to buy a mac. And to tell the truth, i almost didn't, i was searching for a new pc for myself, one that i did not have to share with my parents, and was searching for cheap pc hardware, but believe me, when i did a thorough search i realised that no way i will be able to mach for cheaper, or the same price, the brand spankin' new g4 my boss bought for digital photoretouching (that's what i do) so i started looking at MacWharehouse fliers lying around the floor where i worked, and saw the cheap price of the imac, (cheap as in sarcastic)... at this point i was converted, i have spent enough time using a mac, understanding it, how it works, why it does, to finally persuade my parents to let me buy a imac, ever since then my friends laughed at me and what not for having a mac. (although i still found a mac user at school and we're friends now
ever since my imac. a year ago, i sold it to my boss and invested in aformentioned g4 granted it's not the best, not even new with the new apple g4 line up, but it kicks the ass out of my friend's pc's even when thei'r @ 800 mhz. and i know that for a fact. but that is not the reason i bought my mac so i am clear here, a pc could under the right circumstances mach or beat a g4, so then, why did i buy a mac? becouse all my life i've been surrounded by pc, and if that's not a good enough answer, then all the problems that i've seen my friends, companies, my school have with their pc, should be a good answer to why anyone would want to swich away from a windows platform. i do not have those problems now, i understand my computer and when it does breack down, i understand why (if i dont i come to this forum and post my question
) but does anyone understand what to do when you get a error message on startup, like: missing idontknowwhat dll file or one of it's components?... i don't. and i sure as hell am not going to pay for a microsoft cvertified engineer to tell me what's wrong! hell, have you ever heard of a mac certified engineer?! any single mac user with half brains can be their own certified engineer! so is apple justified in asking for so much money for their hardware and software? hell yes and i hope they keep doing it so that i won't have to suffer like so many pc users (now this does not apply to all pc users, just all that i know )
and there is my rant... i have many proofs and reason's why someone would want to switch to mac (besides the ones stated) from my continuous experience with macs and strugling pc's at school and at work, yes, the same palce that i work has bot mac and pc's but macs outnumber pc's. why? a dual pocessor 500 pc is slower that a single procesor g4 566 and it's zip drive started (with no reason seemengly) stop working, the cd burner is not working, and yes, i do get a "missing idontknowwhat dll file or one of it's components" message on startup! so to any pc user telling me that i can get more power for cheaper, i tell them to f*** off it's not power i need, i have it, it's respect, and my mac respects me! damn straight!