Mac OS X Over the Years

I wouldn't have thought that screen shots of either the Public Beta or DP4 would be that hard to come by. I could put either of those on my Wallstreet for shots if you need something specific... I just need to pull my main hard drive (running Rhapsody 5.6) and put in a spare.

I still have apps for DP4 and PB as I recall... many of which are essentially the same as the ones I use in Rhapsody 5.6 today.

Apps like Create 10.0 worked the same in Rhapsody 5.6 as the did in DP4.

For the moment I have now added Public Beta images to the full article. As for getting the images, it not hard but for use I want permission from the original site which I have now.

Now for my next article, want to put together screen shots and a good wtie up on the OS's prior to OS X and get into some details about NeXT and how it became the Mac OS's we know now.
Mikuro - I didn't think the latest iTunes was brushed metal, more like 'unified' certainly not the obvious metal it used to be.

Yes, I agree. I meant that I liked the old look of iTunes better in spite of the fact that I never really liked metal. I'm glad metal's gone, but I still think the new iTunes looks a little hackish.

I kind of miss platinum, too. It was so neat and clean.