
Does anyone know of an OS X-native VNC client? It's totally easy to find a VNC server for OS X, but I really need the client. I'd like to be able to administer our NT box at work from my apartment, and VNC would be a nice way to do it. I've got the OS 9 version of VNC viewer running on my PowerTower Pro that's running 9.1, but it would be nice to run it from my X machine too without having to use Classic.
VNCThing seems decent as a client, theoretically, but I have yet to set up a server to connect to, so you say you have a server? Where'd you get your server?
Yeah, I've got OSXvnc 0.6 and VNCThing 2.2 ... and it's like they aren't even meant to see each other. Damn I hate it when computers make me feel dumb. I understand the concept, I grabbed the right things, setup shouldn't be very complicated ... and just like like that - nothing.

I'll try again.
OSXvnc 0.6

Too bad it seems to be a frozen project. (no update since last May) And it's not like it's a finished project. Ie I couldn't connect to the server with the Java-applet.

I've updated an old NeXT client to run under Mac OS X and I've been using it for my VNC needs. If there's interest, I'll get permision from the original developer (whoever the hell that was) and throw it up on version tracker.

It works pretty well.
I hereby declare interest, I think. I'm not sure if my inability to communicate is a server or client failure. I'll need to get some known good stuff on a known good OS and start playing to figure why I suck so hard. But potentially, I have interest.
Okeedokey. I've started the process of getting a membership on versiontracker and I'll post it there once they've let me (assuming that the original developer has no objections - IIRC, the program is under the gnu license, so he shouldn't).

Stay tuned for more info ;)
If it is under the GNU license, then he can't object, so long as your additions/modifications are also GPLed. Yay GNU! The GPL takes all the misery out of being a user, particularly for those of us with control issues. :-)

This is a bit off topic, but does anybody know anything about TightVNC and what its supposed optimizations are? Is it just X related stuff?
is there a way to connect a vnc server under a different login than the person on the console ? Like a virtual terminal, but with the gui.
that's no longer the realm of VNC, that's something that would have to be supplied by the OS, not a third party (user space) app. Solaris does this, you can do it with X-Windows if you're cool. It's not something that VNC does. (to the best of my knowledge)

This is a feature that I'd like apple to offer, multiple simultaneous logins to a machine. The opportunity to zombie your login, login as someone else, do things, log out, log back in as you, and all of your apps are open and running just like you left them.

There are a lot of features that could easily be expected to be rolled into (or back into) Mac OS X. Remote windowing could come back. Remote login and simultaneous login would be nice. But what you're asking for is more of an OS feature than an application feature. It'd be some freaky security nightmare to have a third party app allow login as anyone after being launched as nobody special.
I saw this thread and I thought I had to let people know that they have a nice choice of VNC clients for OS X. Here they are:

Chicken of the VNC
VNCViewer (Number one)
VNCViewer (number two)

I got these from a great OS X site:

Just went to the OS X apps page and did a search for VNC. By the way, I have used VNCThing, VNCDimension, and one of the "VNCViewer" apps. I find myself using VNCDimension the most. I use it a lot to control our Windows 2000 servers remotely from my powerbook.
