mac os x with ir??


I'm using my cellphone to connect to internet through the irda port on my powerbook, but as far as I can see there's no suport for ir in macos x. Is there a way to get 10.1 to recognize the ir port?
I heard that a guy swapped the HD of a Powerbook G3 with a Powerbook G4 and the IR option came up in the network panel. I know this isn't a proper solution, but the functionality is there. How to get at it is the question, to which i don't know the answer. Soz. Just thought i should say people have managed to get it working before.
Thanks for your answer.
But isn't it strage that you would get access to the ir port through swaping your harddrive to a G4 HD.
I'd like to know why that is.
I kind of need to be able to use my ir port, so if anyone know how to get it working I'd be most greatful for an answer.
Ah, I think I understand why. When you install OS X on a Powerbook G4, the installer finds out that there are IR hardware in the machine. When you install on a Powerbook G3 (that I guess Apple classify as old and incompatible), it doesn't. Maybe because the IR drivers for OS X don't work, or maybe it's just something Apple have forgotten. IF ir really is possible to get the IR to work in OS X on a Powerbook G3, then I'm sure there is an easier way than putting a HD from a G4 in it. E.g, try to ask someone with a PB G4 if they can search for iR stuff in the system/library folder and make him send it to you. Then you can try to place all the files in the folders where they belong. I don't know, maybe it works... :)
Now I just have to find someone with a Powerbook G4 with os 10.1. witch might be hard here in italy. they have just jumped on the computer wagon and to find a mac here is like finding a "needel in a haystack".
If there's anyone out there with a PB G4 who would help me out I'd be geatfull.
...and there is a package that is called It's in system/library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/. So that means that there is some support for irda but how do I activate it. Where is it suposed to be to work????? I opened the package up and there where a bunch off stuff there. But how to activate it is a nother issue.
There is also two other files called AppleSCCIrDA.kext and AppleUSBIrDA.kext in system/library/extensions/