Mac OS X

Jeremy Brunelle

My parallel desktop is not working it all on my mac os x. It seems like its not finding the hardware or the software. please help me I really don't want to a spend $70 on the parallel software.
What is it not finding exactly? Is your host OS X, and it is not finding the guest? What is your guest operating system and have you installed it in the virtual disk, or how did this parallels desktop vm originate?
Parallels Desktop _does_ cost money. I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Both Parallels and VMware have a demo available. Please tell us exactly what you're doing, what the applications say the problems are...
when i open up my Parallel Desktop this is what it says:

The virtual Hard Disk 1 image

file/users/jeremybrunelle/Documents/Parallels/My Boot Camp/disk0.hdd

could not be found.

I hope this helps if not I can try something else.

Thank you

Jeremy Brunelle
It can't find that VM's HD.

Replace in the preferences of that VM that location to
/users/jeremybrunelle/Documents/Parallels/My Boot Camp/disk0.hdd

After verifying that that is indeed the correct location.

In Finder, go > "go to folder" > /users/jeremybrunelle/Documents/Parallels/My Boot Camp/
and is there a file called disk0.hdd in that location?

Either the file in the beginning of that path does not belong there, or that hdd has been removed.