Mac OSX and DHCP


Hi all,

Hoping for some insight...

I have 3 computers, 2 PC's and Powerbook. They connect to the internet through an Ascend Pipeline 75 ISDN router. I also have an SMC access point for airport access on the powerbook. With the exception of the Powerbook, the router, SMC, and 2 pc's are connected to a hub.

Here is the problem. I have a static IP subnet assigned from my ISP and when I manually configure each and every device with its IP address, all works fine. When I set the router to act as a DHCP server, all works fine on the PC's and the powerbook when I am in OS 9.2.2. But when I go into os X, I can't get an address assigned to the Mac. Now since it didn't work with my airport card, I decided to try it via standard ethernet, so I plugged the powerbook into the hub as well, and still no joy... ok I manually assign it an ip address... works great... try dhcp again, no joy.

Any Ideas? Keep in mind that it works in 9.2.2 and on the PC's, but when I am in OSX it doesn't work. However, I have taken my laptop over to friends house and joined his airport network and had my ip assigned via dhcp there.

So I thinking that while the router does act as a dhcp server for the pc's and os 9, something is incompatible when in osX when using a pipeline 75 ISDN router... Anyone got any suggestions...

Oh yeah, the console shows something about not being able to join the multicast group

here is the exact line...

slpd: FAIL: Could not join multicast group : Can't asign requested address

slpd: ERR: SLPDALocator: set_mutlicast_sender_interf: SLP_NETWORK_INIT_FAILED

slpd: ERR: get_converge_result: multicast sendto: Bad file descriptor
BSDimwit, can you post screenshots of your Network pane in the System Preferences (/Applications/Utilities/System Preferences) that match the two below? The tabs are <<TCP/IP>> and <<PPPoE>>.
In the TCP/iP tab, the only thing I put in there was some search order domains, but I tried deleting those joy

As for the PPPoE, nothing is in there because its not DSL or IDSL, its ISDN. The router does all the work here, its transparent to all the computers, the computers just need the routers address as the gateway ip.

Like I said, I am pretty sure I set it up properly, because I got it work at my friends house... and the PC's work just fine...

Are your panels exactly the same as mine? If so, can you configure the PowerBook manually and use DHCP for the other machines until a solution can be found? Also, are you sure that the DHCP server doesn't rely on a specific software configuration on the client machines, i.e., Windows, à la the WinModems of yesteryear?
Well I have messed with this for long enough. I was simply frustrated that I couldn't get it to work with DHCP. fortunately for me, I have a /29 subnet so I can statically assign the IP's. I am sure you all know my frustration... getting something that you know should work, but doesn't. Grrrrr.

Thanks for trying though.
Does the SMC 802.11b access point have any settings like direct bridging? It sounds like it could be a problem with that trying to manage the DHCP connections or something. That's the only thing I can conclude if you had working DHCP in OS X at your friends house.
I assume that it is a bridge of somesort, but I am not sure whether or not its a direct bridge. One reason I might discount that theory is that I also tried to get an address assigned by plugging in directly to the hub via the enet port on the powerbook.

My friend is using a different router(Cisco for his DSL) and a Lucent Wireless access point. So I guess whatever is actually acting as the dhcp server seems to work with MacOSX and the SMC WAP or the Ascend Pipeline is messing me up somehow.

No clue. Like I said earlier, its not like I have to use dhcp... its just something I wanted to get working in case my friend comes over to my house.
It sounds like something in the Router's DHCP server. Have you checked for support at the manufacturer's site or a firmware update?
Originally posted by dricci
It sounds like something in the Router's DHCP server.

BSDimwit, I'm with dricci on this one--if DHCP works on your PowerBook elsewhere, and at home with other equipment, the point of failure is the router/bridge DHCP server. What brand is it again?