Mac OSX and the DW6000... again...


I'm one of those fortunate enough to live far from the bustling world of cable modems and "everywhere" DSL offerings, and of course unfortunately, my only option is Satelite.
Just upgraded to the Direcway DW 6000 modem, primarily so I can finally use it with my beloved Mac:
OSX 10.7 (for the moment) and both a Ti PB 1.5 17" and a Mac Mini. NO netorking... I'm just plugging straight into the Satelite Modem... and performance is unpredictable at best.
VERY slow at times... OK sometimes, and the rest is non-existant connection. I've been HOURS with Tech support at Direcway and have been scouring the web looking for answers. Most of the responses to similar questions have been: "Don't bother with Satelite internet". Again, not a response that helps me much.
I joined this forum because it looks as thought I have finally found an intelliget, responsive group of Mac enthusiasts! I Hope someone has figured out the "secret" to making Satelite work on the Mac.
It doesn't seem to matter which browser I use. Are there particular DNS and or Proxy settings I shoud be using? I've tried many combinations.
Sorry for the long question!
Looking for hope.
Well, I'm in the same boat and will soon be getting DSL (TOOK EM LONG ENOUGH TO GET IT OUT HERE). As for making the satellite internet perfection, I can tell you that it may happen but as u said earlier, it is unpredictable. I set my stuff up on my heathen box and use wireless with my iBook. The connection WILL suck and the best way for me to put it to you is to that DIRECWAY bandwidth is like a bucket and when u start using it, it's full and the more u use it the less full iy gets until its completely empty and can do no more than drag on and on and then u have to let it refill by not using it or not using it much. There are a few websites you could go to (although I'm sure u've already been to them) and here they are , go here when the net isnt working to see what the modem says the problem is. The second is just to view a crappy website supposedely customized for u and ur D-WAY. I'm sorry I cant give u anything amazingly perfect fix, but this is what I got. I hope you get DSL to move close to you like I have. Again, I'm very sorry and hope something works out for you.
thanks for the empathy... What's really got me baffled is that the darn thing actually works pretty darn well in the morning hours... and as we get toward 2-3 PM it takes a siesta... sombrero, cervesa and all. I almost think it has to do with some kind of cashing issue... When it is working... it's not too bad... but there is no consistancy... so I KNOW the system can work... ?
you know, when I saw this posting and saw "DW 6000", I got all excited since I thought you were talking about Korg's vintage synth, the DW-6000. Show's where my mind is at. :D

Anyways, on a related note I had moved to Telocity (RIP) after I switched from BellSouth DSL (which sucked at the time). I was so fortunate that when I switched they were bought out by DirecTV and then a month later after joining they killed the DSL service. Wonderful company, they are (note the EXTREME sarcasm). :rolleyes: We also tried switching to DirecTV satellite for service and that was a ninsult in and of itself.

Regardless of my experiecne, the only thing I can tell you is that satellite internet is rather sluggish compared to any other broadband connection. I have heard of some other types of technologies like FTTP (fiber-to-the-premises) which is an option for people living in areas without DSL. There are also some wifi options in some ares of the country. Chekc out and seeif you can find any providers for your area for something other than satellite and dial-up. They also have some reviews on ISPs as well.

Good look to the both of you.
thanks for the tips... I'll check them out. It does seem odd that a system built to deliver HD TV to thousands of viewers (LOTS OF DATA) and on a very consistant platform, has a heck of a time letting me get to my email! :confused: (but only in the afternoon)
When... (and I do mean when) I figure this out, I will run to the nearest mountain top (currently the Santa Monica Mountains) and shout it out for all to hear! sang Don Quixote as he rode of into the sunset on his trusty white steed... (read limping mule) :eek:

(sorry for the misleading DW6000 ref...!)