mac OSX server 10.5 + Powerbook G4



I recently installed OSX server 10.5 on my Powerbook G4 that meets the requirements (1.25 GHz/1 Gb). It works but the computer is really slow, something must be wrong.

Does anyone know why that could be?
What install did you do? On top of Mac OS X (which version?) client? Clean? Upgrade install?

How does the speed compare to running Mac OS X 10.5 client?

What Server services do you have enabled?
I did a clean install on the Powerbook.
I have enabled all services except Mail.

The speed running the client was performing better than operating the system.
The client is a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.5.6.

The server version was 10.5.4. After upgrading to the latest version of the server software it doesn't even start up at all.
Do you really need all those server services running on the PowerBook?

How much empty space does your system have?

If you open console, you should see what it shows when the slowness occurs...
Yes, I need all those services.
In fact I also need the mail application in the future.

The 80Gb HD only contains the server software so there must be plenty of space. The 1Gb RAM however only just meets the specs...

As I wrote, after upgrading the server software to the most recent version the PowerBook doesn't start up at all. I'll probably have to install once again?
Do you have a static IP set up for your laptop?
For most of the services that you say you are running, that would be needed...
So you have directory services, hosting, wgm, quicktime streaming etc - all running from a PowerBook??

Do you have any supported hardware for it to run? Such as a desktop above the minimum specs or an Xserve?
Sorry, I wasn't quite clear, I did the standard installation.

I will be using iCal, iChat, File Sharing, Web and in the future Mail. The Airport Extreme taha I work with is supposed to distribute the IP adresses.
Are you going to be using those services, or are you going to be managing a network of computers that are going to be using those services via your Mac OS X Server computer?

If the former, you don't need to enable those services to use things like iChat. Enabling those services allows you to manage those services for computers on your network. They are not needed, for example, if you just want to use iChat on the PowerBook.
I know that I don't need the server software in order to be able to use iChat!

I will be managing a network of computers that are going to be using those services via the Mac OS X Server computer.

Well, turning on all services except for Mail would be extremely taxing on a server. That's a lot of services to be running on a computer that's so underpowered. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're experiencing a slowdown because you're running WAAAAAY too many services on that computer.

Try turning all services off except for iChat, File Sharing and Web Sharing. See if you notice any speedup after that.
I will 'only' be using iCal, iChat, File Sharing, Web but now I understand this will probabely ask to much from my old G4. Or because it's a laptop?

Anyway, I'll reinstall with only iCal activated and we'll see what happens then.

And in the meantime I'll wait for the new MiniMac...
You don't have to reinstall the operating system -- simply open "Server Manager" and turn off the other services.

All of the services will be installed on your machine -- you do not have control over what's installed and what's not. You only have control over what services are actually turned on and active.
As I wrote, after upgrading the server software to the most recent version the PowerBook doesn't start up at all so I will have to reinstall.

And, as I wrote, I will only activate iCal, just to see what happens.