Mac OSX upgrade

I sure hope that i can use my jag update coupons for the next update. I don't want to shell out another crap load of $$. I'd love to go to the Apple store, give them a coupon, and go home happy.

To Hulkaros' Suggestions...

-Cocoa Finder A.S.A.P.

Hmm... Why? The Finder's okay, it being Carbon doesn't make it bad right now. Too much work to 'emulate' the current Finder with a Cocoa version.

-Full Dual CPU support across OS and all apps, games, utilities, etc.

*cough*. All APIs are there. Apps, Games, Utilities: Tell the maker to update or rewrite them.

-Better Dock

Better is always good. :)

-Better hardware compatibility (especially scanners and printers)

But hopefully not by AGAIN changing driver toolkits. It's the third party makers' fault they don't deliver drivers. Apple can't do much here.

-Bring back the Themes & Sounds of 9.x.x

Or... not. There are themes aplenty and you can get sound effects via some utility. Apple should rather cover more important things.

-Options to on/off all those graphic options of Aqua and not only change Genie/Scale effects

THAT one I second.

-Better G3 support (!?!?) and older graphics

Guess it won't happen...

-Full support of X11

Apple's on it, but I don't think it'll be included in the system so soon.

-Upgraded system wide support of newest PDF standards

I don't think Adobe has made the standard available freely in newer versions.

-More games (Chess only?) and apps (painting app for example) which mostly required from Switchers :D

Again, I think Apple should concentrate on the important stuff.

-Faster access to .Mac and iDisk

What about getting a faster network connection? .Mac and iDisk is fast.
Labels. In the finder and in Mail. I know i can buy them for the finder but i want them back for free. :( Also i right click a lot and for some reason i get stuck on OPEN a lot. If i highlight 100 files and right click, then go down to move to trash, it'll stop on open for a few seconds. I hate that.
And eventually, I guess, we'll be looking for alternatives to the Aqua interface and behaviour - possibly à la Kaleidoscope. I personally miss the ability to customize the look and feel of my desktop and folders.

I think it's already beginning to look a little passé... although I'm aware I'm probably in a minority!
porteous you can get themes from and there are programs like CandyBar or Xpression (look for them on that will change all your icons. Or just apple+i and paste in your own icon. You can get icons at and many other places.

At work my theme is Aqua with no strips, and my icons are all very random.

At home my theme is something in Blue. Nothing like Aqua.

I think that Jaguar runs pretty smoothly, but mac users need to be able to play more games! The graphics on macs are better than on PCs in general, so games would be very benneficial for macs. Mac users need a better DVD player with better graphics however that doesn't always force quit and screw up, like Hulkaros said. I don't see why macs don't have higher volume than they do! I don't want to always have to plug my headset into my computer to listen to music at a good volume.
Originally posted by fryke
To Hulkaros' Suggestions...

-Cocoa Finder A.S.A.P.

Hmm... Why? The Finder's okay, it being Carbon doesn't make it bad right now. Too much work to 'emulate' the current Finder with a Cocoa version.

Just to keep the discussion down I will concentrate on this because when I start typing I can't hold myself :D

I think of Finder being Carbon it creates stability problems (Force Quit-Relaunch) and also it holds back its multi-threading ways of handling things like Connect to server and at that point you cannot do anything else on Finder... ANYTHING else... that sucks to say the least! :o

As for keeping it Carbon because it may provides better compatibility with Classic and other Carbon apps (+ they needed to get X out of the door ASAP), I think they must find other ways to do this... I think one of the reasons that X seems slow when accessing files is also that of Finder being Carbon.

Last, I think that Apple knows that Finder being Carbon is wrong and also I think that they will change it as soon as they will get the chance to do so... Maybe in 10.4 or 10.5?

If Apple says that Cocoa is the best way to build apps for X who am I to insist that Carbon is even up to par? :rolleyes:

Now, let me get back of me enjoying my Cocoa! :D

Dreams that is ;)

As for the Wish-List doesn't reflect MY vision of X only... I hear MANY complaints from possible switchers... especially on the lack of Solitaire :D :D :D
Well, if Apple can create a Cocoa Finder with the features of the current Carbon Finder plus some more without forgetting about all the other needed updates to the OS... I'm all for it. I only guess rewriting something that basically works very well (I know, I know, but until a Finder replacement is better than the Carbon one...) seems quite some work without any rewards. I guess they wait with the rewrite until they have some more incentives. (Feature ideas etc.)
Originally posted by fryke
Well, if Apple can create a Cocoa Finder with the features of the current Carbon Finder plus some more without forgetting about all the other needed updates to the OS... I'm all for it. I only guess rewriting something that basically works very well (I know, I know, but until a Finder replacement is better than the Carbon one...) seems quite some work without any rewards. I guess they wait with the rewrite until they have some more incentives. (Feature ideas etc.)

...AND dream that Apple will soon find those Cocoa Finder feature ideas, etc. :D :D :D
It will develop, just as Mac OS7.5 - which many of us can still remember - changed gradually over a period of time, and eventually became OS8.6 and 9.2.

Thanks, twister, but I meant a bit more than themes or skins - although I'll certainly have a look at those sites. Surely I can't be the only person who's struggled a bit with the totally different interface, navigation and folder views of OSX - being so used to the ease of use of the previous OS's....

Or am I?
@ porteous: You're certainly not the only one, but there are two paths coming from OS 9:

1) Try out the new views, adapt to them and see the bliss they can provide.

2) The hard one. OS 9 is dying.

Cleaner themes like Max' themes make working in OS X much easier on the eyes. Link:
stealth - you have been warned about continueing to take shots at kendall. you will find yourself banned from this site very shortly. i hope you enjoyed your stay here. :(
Originally posted by edX
stealth - you have been warned about continueing to take shots at kendall. you will find yourself banned from this site very shortly. i hope you enjoyed your stay here. :(

ahahaha.. its nice to see that u read my entire post. especially the end : ( he he he .. just jockin:P)

well done:)
stealth, - putting a disclaimer at the end that you are "just joking" does not make it ok to continue to flamebait kendall. you're gone.
Thanks, fryke. Your advice is noted and I'll certainly take a look at that themes site.

Certainly agree that OS X is the way forward and, as I said before, it will clearly develop and change as time goes on, just as previous Mac OS's had to do.

Of course, it still clearly beats anything else that's around....