.Mac questions for .Mac users


Simply Daemonic
Sooo... today I signed up for the 60 day trial.
My yahoo account is SERIOUSLY getting spammed (120+ spams pers day) and I feel jipped by paying 20$ per year for POP access to my yahoo account - so I am getting it stopped.

Here are my questions about .mac users

1) how's the spam? do you get any? how much? how often?

2) I have a website which I want to move to .mac - I put the files on the "sites" directory on my iDisk. I thought that this mirrored it on the internet in the form of http://www.mac.com/my_name/index.html --- but it does not. is there a way to put my website files on my iDisk and have them be a accessible as a webpage through a browser or do I have to use apple's "templates" to re-invent the wheel?

3) How useful do you find it? I am thinking that by the end of 60 days I will have a good idea more or less how useful it will be to me, but what do you use it for?


1) i dont get spam. im careful where i use the dot mac address. i get .. maybe 1-2spams a month.

2) just put the files to the Sites folder. Any file that is there is reachable. If you have a file called index.html, that is the visible page on your mac site.

3) i find it useful. Not 100 % necessary, but very comfortable. i like it. :)
Iv had mine for 2 years now and i might get 5 a year... all say watch were u give ur .mac and stay off porn sites .. aim chat rooms are bad too. yahoo.. going way downhill FAST.. other than that nice secure web mail, .mac but what else would it be its MAC lol....Good luck

1. Almost no spam, maybe 1 a week.

2. Not sure.

3. Again, I find it very useful. I don't have my own website and it suits my needs nicely as far as a website goes. I like having the @mac.com e-mail address and I find the perks quite handy and worth the price. I use Backup regularly and having the Bookmarks synced online was a big help a few months ago when I had to go a few weeks with my clamshell iBook waiting for my G4.
Like the others, I get little or no spam - just don't post your address on websites where it can get spidered.

As for usefulness: 10/10. Being able to access mail, addresses and occasionally bookmarks from anywhere is excellent and, because I'm lazy, I also backup to iDisk.
I don't get much spam much anymore. When it as free, i used to get crushed. Not sure about the web site thing.
Virtually no spam for me either, and I've put my email address anywhere and everywhere, seems to be a very good system.

I admit, the cost of .Mac isn't cheap, but I do find it very useful. Especially the syncing of my address book and bookmarks as:

a) It makes it easy to send emails from the web, and have all your contacts with you.

b) I recently had one of those 'oh my god' moments where I basically buggered up my hard disk. Luckily I had most stuff backed up too. But the ease in being able to sync all my address book, bookmarks and calendar events with one mouse click very quickly saved my day.
in reference to porn - I never went to porn sites and my yahoo email still gets spammed with ads with nude photos, miracle cures to make my member larger, please my girlfriend, extend my life expectency, make me a miliionaire and find my long lost twin (among other things). It's just gotten very bad over the last year with over 120 spams per day.

I have a work address which I can use as my regular mail, but I am afraid that will get spammed - so I decided to try out .Mac that way I can have an email to register for BBS and forums, and have my friends mail me there as opposed to work.

I got the website to work, it just took a little time - it was not instantaneous.

AdmiralAK said:
...so I decided to try out .Mac that way I can have an email to register for BBS and forums, and have my friends mail me there as opposed to work.

If you're wondering where the spam comes from, that's where! I would never use an email account I pay for (or don't want spam in) in any forum, BBS, or on-line shopping. They have no guarantees that my email address will remain confidential nor will they guarantee that my email address won't be sold in a list -- and even if they DO guarantee that, they're probably lying.

I treasure my .Mac address and use it for correspondence with family and trusted sources (which are very few). I keep free hotmail and yahoo accounts for the times when I need to purchase something online or need to sign up for a forum or something. My .Mac address is NEVER typed into ANY form or anywhere in any web page. Doing so is simply giving out permission to spam that address.

Treat your email address like your home phone number. You wouldn't go giving your home phone number out to just anyone or any company that asks for it, so don't use your email address that way either!
I discovered a way in yahoo to prevent my yahoo account from receiving the bulk mail through pop (this option seems to be new as I have not seen it before) - so my email problems have been solved. I still have a couple of months to decide whether or not I want .Mac ;)
I use Mail.com and I get very little spam (though plenty of stuff I've opted in for, and now regret having done so). Sure, I get a couple Nigerian millionaire scams or empty messages or whatever, but it's not bringing down my mailbox.

I also use Sogni's server as my webhost, because it's completely free and fully-functional with PHP, MySQL, etc. If you ask him nicely, he'll probably give you an account.