
Hi all,

can anyone explain me why the G4 - that is supposed to be "state of the art" concerning technology - hasn't DDR-RAM. I mean, a system with such an powerful processor and only PC133 RAM - that can't be...

BTW: What is your experience with PC Ram installed in a Mac... What did work with your system? I ask because Mac RAM (though 100% compatible) isn't cheap at all.

Thanks in advance,

Buy Kensington or Siemens RAM. Standard PC RAM always worked for me, but I heard that some people had problems. Make sure that you can return it if it plainly doesn't run on your computer.

Faster RAM will appear in G4s at MWNY.
It can be true :(. First off, while DDR RAM is sweet, it's not everything. Even some supposedly powerful PC servers (!) don't use it.
Apple's server (Xserve) does. So, expect the next revision of the G4 line to feature DDR Ram.
As for RAM prices, I don't know where you've been looking but it's not more expensive than PC RAM.

Have a look at "Lots a Bits", "Cyberport" etc...
There is no difference between PC RAM and Mac RAM. There's just a bunch of different types of RAM (PC100, PC133, Rambus, DDR, etc.)

Mac resellers tend to charge a bit more for RAM because the Mac isn't as lenient as PCs about the type and quality of RAM you stick in it. They also want to perpetrate the idea that there IS actually a difference between the RAM used in PCs and the RAM used in Macs... there isn't.

Check Apple's site for specifications on the type of RAM your Mac uses. Don't buy sub-quality or EXTREMELY cheap RAM, as I can almost guarantee you'll encounter problems with it (I have on many occasions, and finally decided that RAM isn't something I can buy for dirt-cheap anymore).

Good quality RAM can make the difference between a machine that crashes all the time, some of the time, or never. Since replacing all my cheapo RAM with more expensive, quality RAM, my Mac has been extremely stable. Before I replaced it all, i was experiencing kernel panics and freezes almost on a daily basis.

If you can afford it, I would venture to say that Kingston RAM is probably the best consumer-grade RAM there is.
I always buy my memory from Their memory is top-notch and unlike other places they actually manufacture it (Crucial is the retail arm of Micron). I just picked up a 512mb PC133 SIMM for my G4 iMac for $186, not a bad price at all!