Hi I've just upgraded to OSX tiger from 9.2.
The initial install seemed to go like clockwork. Found the internet downloaded all the latest updates etc etc.
I then ported my itunes library into the new itunes install.
It is probably a coincidence but I started to receive kernal panics (black multi language panel instructing me that I needed to reboot). or sometimes the mac would just freeze the cursor would still move around the screen but it changed to a coloured spinning disk. I would then need to manually reboot the mac.
Life carried on in the same vain for most of the afternoon but then it would only partially reboot is would get as far as the osx loading box (the status bar would get about 1/3 of the way along and then is went to a blue screen )
I tried this several times same result.
Thinking that I'd be better of trying again in the morning I went home.
This morning when I tried to boot up the mac I got as far as the silver mac logo then it popped up with the "Please restart computer box".
Following the instructions on the apple website I booted the mac using the install disk (c key)
Having chosen my language and done the licence bit it asked me to select a volume in which to install. The problem being that there were no drives shown (empty).
I then checked the disk using the disk utility and it verified the disk with no errors.
note on the disks:
on the available disks it showed 2:
one was the dvd installation disc
the other was my hard drive the first line stated 74.5 GB WDC WD800BB-00... while the second had the name of my hard drive "Macintosh HD" - this was greyed out.
This is all the info I have apart from the I also selected the dvd to be the boot disk.
Can anyone suggest a way forward?
The initial install seemed to go like clockwork. Found the internet downloaded all the latest updates etc etc.
I then ported my itunes library into the new itunes install.
It is probably a coincidence but I started to receive kernal panics (black multi language panel instructing me that I needed to reboot). or sometimes the mac would just freeze the cursor would still move around the screen but it changed to a coloured spinning disk. I would then need to manually reboot the mac.
Life carried on in the same vain for most of the afternoon but then it would only partially reboot is would get as far as the osx loading box (the status bar would get about 1/3 of the way along and then is went to a blue screen )
I tried this several times same result.
Thinking that I'd be better of trying again in the morning I went home.
This morning when I tried to boot up the mac I got as far as the silver mac logo then it popped up with the "Please restart computer box".
Following the instructions on the apple website I booted the mac using the install disk (c key)
Having chosen my language and done the licence bit it asked me to select a volume in which to install. The problem being that there were no drives shown (empty).
I then checked the disk using the disk utility and it verified the disk with no errors.
note on the disks:
on the available disks it showed 2:
one was the dvd installation disc
the other was my hard drive the first line stated 74.5 GB WDC WD800BB-00... while the second had the name of my hard drive "Macintosh HD" - this was greyed out.
This is all the info I have apart from the I also selected the dvd to be the boot disk.
Can anyone suggest a way forward?