Mac Stats--Help!


Ok, well Im writing a pursuasive essay for my english class, and my topic is why Macs are better than pcs. I have some pretty good points lined up, now i just need some cold hard facts to back them up!

Does anyone know where i can find some where where it SHOWS that macs have far fewer viruses than pcs?

Also, Does anyone know a good TCO report that shows why Macs really can cost less than pcs in the long run?

Anything else would be very helpful! Thanks.
For viruses, it is quite easy: there are no virus for MacOS X.

For cost, check Apple web site: they have some reports. But don't expect miracles.. it is very difficult to compare computers in term of costs only.

Check also
Yes, I know that there are no viruses, however I cant just say that. I have to back it up with some sort of study or report that can prove it. My english teacher doesnt know that there are no viruses for OS X, so im going to have to back up my statements.
Maybe for the no viruses for OSX you could go to the norton site on your mac and do that online scan thingy. Then afterwards look at the stats and then after that try it on a pc and then look at the stats and compare. Even though everyone norton is crap for macs but it is a good resource for just comparing the amount of viruses.
When I talk about the relative security of the Mac, a lot of people tell me "that's cause nobody uses Macs." The "security by obscurity" argument. While I believe that to be a very valid reason for the lack of Mac viruses, (and still a very good reason to buy the less-used Macintosh), you can also make a case for the built-in security of the operating system: every program you install (excluding drag-n-drop installs) requires an Administrator password in Mac OS X. Windows does not have this requirement. In addition, critical files can be deleted willy-nilly in Windows. You have to log into root in Mac OS X to do similar damage. That's how I understand it, anyway.
God I did that report too and somehow got an A for it. So Gl with it - there is plenty of resources on the net for your references.