Mac to Mac File sharing


I'm trying to do file sharing between a Mac laptop and Mac Desktop. Both running OS 10.x (not in front of it to know which one)

I enabled file sharing, and activated Appletalk and am using the Airport Express.

I am able to connect to each of the machines, but only as a guest. How do I set up users? I can't seem to find the option anywhere?

What am I not doing correctly?
Why do you have AppleTalk on? I don't think you need it. Use TCP/IP.

Write down the user name and password for each machine. If they are both on the wireless network you should be able to connect them using those username/password combinations.
Okay, I'm a mac newbie, but PC geek. I was following instructions from another site that said I needed to go to appletalk.

So logging in with username and password of the machine I'm connecting to should work? Sounds odd. But I'll try it.

How do you set up users? For assistance, if I want a user to only have access to certain folders.
That user would have to sign on as a Guest to the machine they want, thereby limiting them to the Drop Box folder.

If you want more advanced security options, you should probably get an xserve. :)

I'll also verify what I've said at home (work on a pc all day and go home to my sweet mac at night!) so I don't lead you too far afield. Basically, when you search for machines on your network, you should just 'see' the other machine. When you go to connect to it, you are prompted for a user name and password.
If you just want to share files, you can log in as guest and exchange between drop boxes to heart's content...provided the actual files don't have restrictive permissions.

What exactly are you trying to do and/or share?
..What exactly are you trying to do and/or share?
wow, some people really get personall..

appletalk is old stuff. and just there for os9 compatibility. you don't need that.
make sure in 'Sharing' you have enabled 'Personal File Sharing'

note that to connect, you can use the machine-name that's set under 'Sharing'.
(main reason i always make sure that's NOT something like 'John-Does-Little-Imac-G4-With-external-Hard-drive')

so if you want to connect to a machine named 'Joe'
in Finder just type command+K (connect) and enter 'Joe.local' in the address field.
when the connection succeeds, you then need to login either as a user (with password) that has an account on that machine, or a guest.

btw. the Finder implictly adds afp:// to the adress (it defaults to afp..)
but when you'd add 'smb://' of 'cifs://' followed by the ip of a pc, you can connect to a windows share.

(.. and 'ftp://' for connecting to ftp etc..)
tifharp: If you want to add server-like users & groups on a standard Mac OS X Client installation, you'll have to look at third-party software options like: SharePoints