mac user lost his job. needs help.

ahhh that sucks..... id help, but i have no credit card......
sry man.... hope things work out....
I never thought we'd see the kind of stuff we see next to stop lights would make its way online.:p

I'll see if I can donate something soon.
I know how you feel, and I'd be happy to slip you five bucks. I'm in the same position but I have faith that I'll be working again pretty soon. Remember that the best way to get through this is to get as much help as you can ... put all your friends and family to work for you helping you find that new dream job, and make sure you have at least one person who will keep you in line and motivated.

Someone with your skills and experience should have little trouble in convincing an employer to take them on. The hard part is finding the right employer and getting some of their time.

Good luck.
Try these:

Kelly Temporary Services (sorry, no link)

If you live close enough to your Alma Mater, visit the Career Center there and discuss with a career counselor what you can do with your education, background, and experience.

I know it's tough, it took me 8 months to find TEMPORARY full-time work. I can lose my job at any time for any reason since I technically don't work for the company I drive to work at every day.
I hate to sound crass and insensitive (OK, I don't mind sounding insensitive) but if you are going to pan handle hi-tech, you might want to put some more information on your page, like what you are qualified to do, a copy of your resume, etc - basically, stuff that might actually get you a lead on a job, other than just asking for a handout.

Hell, even Odd Todd ( at least gives people something to view on his site while hitting them up for money....