Mac users rule!

Yeah, it actually shocks me every day how it seems we have under 10% but control close to 50%...
It's no surprise to me that Mac users are more successful and creative than PC users. :D The Macintosh encourages that.
Great, as if the average mac ego isn't already out of control.

Does my mac also make me tan and good looking?
Of course, van, the Mac makes you a better person.
In fact, Mac OS X revives dead brains. I had a discussion with a PC user on this. He said that chick in the "switch" commercial must be braindead since she used Windwos for several years without figuring it out, yet her Mac made sense, ergo, Mac OS X made her brain un-dead.
I've been using computers for 20 years, and I still never figured out how to get Windows ME to stop crashing. I even re-installed it.

Yes, I am a decent troubleshooter. Yes, I restricted apps launched at startup. Yes, I own a mainstream PC (Compaq). Yes, it's new. Yes, it came with ME.

My solution was to pay Microsoft $100 for XP. My other solution was to buy an iBook.

Who's brain dead? ME? ;)