There has been a lot of talk about viruses in a bunch of threads. Other threads and sources say that Windows has over 50,000 of them. Luckily, we Mac users have only ever been plagued with 300 (mostly old OS 9 ones, too).
For the fun of it, let's see if we can name them all... One honor-code rule, though... NO looking the names of virii up at Symantec or any other anti-virus site...
I'll start it off with a infamous one I had back in the days of System 6.0.5...
1.) nVirA
Moderator: If this thread is inappropriate (or would spawn inappropriate behavior), feel free to get rid of it...
For the fun of it, let's see if we can name them all... One honor-code rule, though... NO looking the names of virii up at Symantec or any other anti-virus site...
I'll start it off with a infamous one I had back in the days of System 6.0.5...
1.) nVirA
Moderator: If this thread is inappropriate (or would spawn inappropriate behavior), feel free to get rid of it...