Mac Virii (or Viruses, if you prefer)...


There has been a lot of talk about viruses in a bunch of threads. Other threads and sources say that Windows has over 50,000 of them. Luckily, we Mac users have only ever been plagued with 300 (mostly old OS 9 ones, too).
For the fun of it, let's see if we can name them all... One honor-code rule, though... NO looking the names of virii up at Symantec or any other anti-virus site...

I'll start it off with a infamous one I had back in the days of System 6.0.5...

1.) nVirA

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I wouldn't say inappropriate, but impractical. How are you going to name even 300 viruses, especially without looking them up?

For those willing to cheat :)D), here is a partial list of Mac and PC viruses.
I'm curious to know of any viruses that affect Mac OS X.

I'm also curious to know if anybody here has ever encountered a virus on Mac OS X, and if so, what your experience was.

By the way, I was chatting to an IBMer who recommended "eComStation" as being the least virus-riddled operating system on the market. It evolved from OS2 Warp4 and is about as obscure an operating system as you'll ever find ... even YellowBox has a bigger presence. :)
What about Rhapsody? And I don't mean the stuff in Rhap that's been integrated into OS X, I mean Rhap itself.
You have to be a mega-nerd hacker to know all of those - and if you are a M.N.H., please don't be offended, I mean it in the nicest possible way.
2) 666. It changes the permissions to 666. I think I heard of someone (one!) who had it last year.
Only virus I've heard of for X is VPC with Windows installed....:)
The only virus I've gotten on a Mac is WDEF. On my Mac 512K.

And I got rid of it by rebuilding my desktop.
I had a long post written out about a friend of mine who got a virus. I thought they had an LC or LCII.

But it turns out the virus I was talking about was strictly a PC/DOS virus, so I guess I was wrong.

(This was back in 1991 or 92 - so memory is kind of fuzzy)

- So, I can officially say that I've never seen a Mac infected with a virus (that was the only one I THOUGHT I knew of...)
j79, those viruses won't work in OS X ...

Heh, a warex version of M$ Office is a virus! A legal version of it is a virus that you have to pay for... :p