Well personally, I've had only one hardware-related problem, and it was known problem with the Quicksilver G4 models; the thing was DOA by way of a dud power supply.
But we've all read the recent problems with blotchy PowerBook screens, dodgy iBook motherboards and lackluster iPod battery life.
Apple aren't immune to these kinds of things, but they are less likely to fall fowl in the first place.
The main stumbling block for the average pc user is the ensuing: 'it's not the software, it's the hardware .. no, it's not the hardware, it's definitely the software...' in the much more likely even that something goes horribly wrong.
So you have the fun of working your way through both Microsoft and which ever hardware supplier you choose to figure the problem out.
With Apple, it's just one call to one company .. OK, I know someone's going to come wading in now with their sorry support tale, but you get the gist, right?
My college had no mac IT personnel, while the ranks of pc's were serviced by a rabid army of over-worked technicians...