Mac wear

Well you can hollow out and old imac and wear it as a hat or something.

I prefer to use the keyboard as a sort of underwear .

sorry couldn't resist.

I guess you could try ebay for shirts and stuff i guess. other then that i don't know.
Also could have something mac, at least i like their unix wear ... :)

I just got some weeks ago a packet from Cupertino, containing 6 or 7 Apple, Mac, OS X, .mac etc t-shirts and other Mac gadgets... ;)
woow i gotta buy some of that... just to wear around the house, when i go out, abercrombie & fitch for me...
I like the "No place like" shirt. ;-) Might get one of those... There's also those "Nerd in training" baby-wear stuff for all you fresh parents out there on Gotta love those. ;-)

Nothing Mac related, though, Gia...

But I'm also considering the "/usr/bin/girl" shirt for a female friend of mine. Now _that's_ girl power...
Well, i want the "Chicks dig Unix" ...

And my cousin has promised to make me a black t-shirt with (on white) on it "fsck -y" has some good stuff, usually pretty expensive though. You can always get some iron t-shirt things, I love those!! Make your own!