Mac will not install Alice software but my PC will


I've recently purchased an Alice modem and during installation of the software my Mac prompts an error message reading "Director Player Error: Continue?". At first I thought that particular section of the disc might be scratched so I tried installing the software on my PC and it worked flawlessly. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, yes, the CD is MacOS10 capable. (That was the very first thing I looked for)
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You have not said which model Alice modem that you are using, which ISP you have subscribed, or whether your ISP is dial-up or DSL. If the modem is analog [for dial-up], then your modem may be plug-compatible with a different modem for which you have a driver. Most analog modems can be used with the Hayes instruction set. If the modem is DSL, then you may not need the driver.

MisterMe's Rule for ISP Software:

Keep that crap off your computer unless it is absolutely necessary.
The modem is a Gate model (the original), the ISP is Telecom Italia, and it's ADSL which requires me to dial-up to use the internet until I can get it hooked up to a router.

Note: The disc I received with the modem mentions something about Mac OS 10 so I'm assuming its MacOS10 capable. However, it's all in Italian so I'm just guessing here. I've attempted downloading software off of the Alice website but the only mac download available is for OS 9. I'm not sure if that means anything but i thought it might be worth mentioning. The following is the Italian exert from the manual about OS 10:

"in ambiente macos 10, fai doppio clic sull'icona del CD-ROM che compare sulla Scrivania e poi doppio clic sul file ALICE MACOS10"
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The modem is a Gate model (the original), the ISP is Telecom Italia, and it's ADSL which requires me to dial-up to use the internet until I can get it hooked up to a router.

No. ADSL, aka DSL, is an "always-on" broadband connection. It does not require the user to dial-up anything. Most DSL connections rely on the PPPoE protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). MacOS X has built-in support for PPPoE. Assuming that you have an Ethernet connection between your DSL modem and your Mac. Locate your PPPoE tab. Put in your account name and password. Enable Connect using PPPoE. Click Apply Now. You should be connected. When you get your router, use an Ethernet cable to connect your modem to the WAN port of the router. Use a second Ethernet cable to connect the computer to one of the LAN ports.
I would love for my problem to be a connection issues; that would mean I've at least downloaded the content. My issue is that when Im trying to d/l software off the disc my computer displays an error message reading, "Director Player Error: Continue?".
Your software (from Alice) is probably too old, especially if you have a newer Mac with Leopard.
(You should contact Telecom Italia for support.
Ah, after looking at service reports, I can see why you wouldn't want to do that, eh?)
Here's a support page for setting up your modem from TI,cnt=277&rel=269.html

I don't understand Italian, but it seems to say that you don't need to install ANY software, just follow the pictures - :D
I will say that you should make sure that you are not trying to connect both USB and ethernet to the same computer. On your Mac, ethernet is preferred, so don't connect USB to your modem....