MacAuthorize problems in Classic


Anyone know why MacAuthorize is unable to see the Dual 1GHz G4's internal modem in its Preference Settings when run on X Classic? In fact, most older Sys9 programs that use the internal modem don't seem to be able to find the modem. Is this problem something inherent to Classic?
Are you sure the modem is active? You should be able to use the modem while in Classic.

I do have a question. What are you using MacAuthorize for? What is it? If you want to dial up using the modem, use Remote Access.
I believe that Classic does not use the internal modem directly, an old MacOS program that needs to access a modem probably has to know how to use the OS X modem access. That's likely why this old software won't work anymore. Development for MacAuthorize stopped in March 2001, unfortunately about the time OSX was becoming useful.
Originally posted by Cheryl

I do have a question. What are you using MacAuthorize for? What is it? If you want to dial up using the modem, use Remote Access.

MacAuthorize is for authorization of credit card purchases... emulates a "Visa" terminal, but allows batch processing and auto imports and exports of data transactions. Excellent software, and only one available for Mac platform!
I learned something. Thanks.
The only work around I can think of is to boot in OS 9 and use it there.
"I believe that Classic does not use the internal modem directly, an old MacOS program that needs to access a modem probably has to know how to use the OS X modem access. "


You are right on the mark! Maybe that's why it says you are a senior member.

I searched the Apple Knowledge Base and it says that Classic has NO ACCESS to the internal modem. All software written for Sys9 and under that needs direct access to modem (and other periferals) will not work under Classic. Instead, it must be run directly from Sys9, not Classic.

It is a shame because I had wanted to abandon Sys9 and make the final switch to SysX. Now it looks like this is not possible. And only other software available for computer emulation of Visa terminals is WebAuthorize that runs only on PC's. Ugh!! After having to run UPS World Ship on Virtural PC, I'd rather keep the old trusty 8500 going to run a Mac program, even if it is the only one I have run on Sys9.

Thanks for your help, and Cheryl's too.