Macbook intel Monitor dark


Hi there!
My new intel Macbook 2Ghz w/1G RAM is annoying me. I experimented with an external monitor and was leaning toward using the external only. At one point I set the Macbook screen to very dark to not use it at all. Didn't like the results so changed it back. Now ALMOST every time it sleeps or I start up it starts at that very dark level. The last time it happened I had to force shut down and restart because I couldn't find the cursor anywhere it was so dark. That was a wakeup from sleep.
I change the monitor preferences to lighter and work for awhile then it goes dark again. I'm not talking battery-power saving dim, I'm talking black and squint to find any detal.
What am I missing to fix this?
Thanks guru's all,
Yes, the brightness controls in the display preferences DO work, but when it wakes up from sleep it is either very dark or completely dark. It is dark enough that I can't find the cursor to move the cursor to the display preferences, conveniently located in the finder bar, to fix the darkness of the extremely dark screen. I had to force shut it down with the power button and re-start it to be able to find the cursor to reset the brigthtness to a usable level. (sorry about the terrible grammar etc. I just woke up)
Throw out the preference file in /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Prerences/ . Then log out and log in, this might help.
Yes, the brightness controls in the display preferences DO work, but when it wakes up from sleep it is either very dark or completely dark. It is dark enough that I can't find the cursor to move the cursor to the display preferences [...]

I meant the brightness _keys_ on the keyboard. The F1 and F2 keys on your MacBook double as keys for adjusting the brightness of your monitor.
I meant the brightness _keys_ on the keyboard. The F1 and F2 keys on your MacBook double as keys for adjusting the brightness of your monitor.
BOY!!! is that helpful info or WHAT?!!!!
Thank you, I will try those.
I will also try the preferences, but WOW buttons on the keyboard! Whooda thunk?