MacBook Pro 2,2 running EXTREMELY SLOW


HELP!!!!! why is my Macbook pro running so... slow???

When I login the menu bar takes ages to load and the spinning wheel is spinning. It takes about 15 minutes or more for the menu to load and after that I can't do anything because the computer operates extremely slow.

I was looking through the forum for a solution. I basically tried everything suggested to others with the same problem:
using Disk Utilities to repair disk permissions, Snow leopard cache cleaner, Onxy and Cocktail, Verbose mode, fsck, reset pram

I also tried safe boot and my MBP worked great without no hangups.
Did AHT and it returned the failure code: 4SNS/1/40000000: TG0H

I am running Snow Leopard.
I suspect that you have a failing hard drive. Very slow operation is a primary symptom of a hard drive that is just not working well.
Backup whatever files that you need to save while you still can, and replace the hard drive.

Your other issue may or may not be related. 4SNS means one of the sensors (probably a temp sensor) on the logic board. I don't find definite references for this, but I think that the 'TG0H' is a GPU heat sensor. If that gives you problems, then it means that the logic board would need to be replaced, as that's where the GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) is located.
Try this first: Shut off, pull the battery, and disconnect the power adapter.
Press and hold the power switch for 5 seconds (nothing will appear to happen, it's just a reset). Release the power switch, reinstall the battery, and plug in the power adapter. Wait about 10 seconds before continuing.
Then, reboot to your hardware test, and try it again.
Do you still get the same error code?
Thanks so much DeltaMac !

Your answer helped me to get my Mac back to satus bootable. It seems that you are really into the topic so I want to aks you some more questions if you don´t mind?
I got a MBP 2,2 and my problem was (thanks to you again) that my Mac couldn´t boot anymore. I got in AHT the 4sns/1/40000000: TG0H errorr code.
After your reset-tip it boot again but because I read in several treads that the error code could be caused by a broken thermalsensor. I have to say my fans are really noisy, even when I do like nothing (watching a avi file or something). Would you say I should replace my fans or something else?

By the way I know I´m a noob :( So please help me out of my misery ;)

Sadly I recognized right now that it just worked for one or two boots. then I got the same error code again. I also forgot to say that my battery is damaged. Maybe some see here a contact.

Thanks for help in advance!!!
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Do you still get the same AHT error code - after you tried that reset?
It's a heat sensor error on the graphics chip. I think you get lots of fan noise, because the fans are running as a result of that error, trying to cool down the graphics chip. If the problem is a failed sensor, then all you can do is try that reset. If it doesn't help the error (and the fans continue to run at high speed,) then the fix is replacing the logic board...
I would then encourage you to take your MacBook Pro to a repair shop, or an Apple store for another opinion, or a repair quote.