Macintosh Plus Rom ... ?



I have a few Mac Plus, some SE, a few SE/30, Classic, Classic Color, etc.

I have all these macs, but in France.
Right now I am a student in the USA and I am quite far from my old beloved Macs.

Because I am so far, I cannot do anything about the ROM and nostalgia is there: I would like to play Shufflepuck.

Since I cannot extract the ROM by-myself I tried to find some to download over the internet. But no one is to be found. If one of you (if you have such a ROM file) could --please-- send it to me, that would be very nice.

Thank you,
In "plain english" I am not looking for the game. In "plain english" here is what I wrote: "If one of you (if you have such a ROM file) could --please-- send it to me, that would be very nice." You will notice that I am talking about the ROM file itself.

But never mind.
I finally was able to find some roms to download. The trick was to look for "vMac.ROM" on google instead of "Macintosh Plus + ROM".

Here is the link that helped me:

thank you,
have a good day,