MacOS 11


Would we expect to see another 10.x revision before MacOS XI ?

Do you expect a major difference like we saw in MacOS 9 to MacOS X?

What would you like to see in MacOS 11?

Any ideas and comments welcome.
Mac OS 10.4 is due out later this year, and it's said to be a pretty significant revision.

I would expect it'll be several years before we see an OS XI/11. I think Apple is in love with the "OS X" moniker, and will be reluctant to give it up for some time.

And even when they do, it won't necessarily be as big a bump as 9->10. Mac OS 7, 8 and 9 were not nearly as different from each other as 9 and 10 were.
Sorry simmorya, but this thread won't lead to anything productive, in my opinion. There are a couple of threads on list of wishes for upcoming major macosx updates and the possible titles. And discussing about macosx 11 could be as useful as thinking about G8 cpus..
Haven't thought that far ahead yet. Want to see how 10.4 is going to treat me before speculating about future versions...
I think OS/X++ beyond 10.4 will mostly be a push to get vendors to put out more native 64-bit apps rather than major improvements to the core OS. Remember, Unix has been around for 30+ years. It's mature and evolved. It's a matter of degrees of incremental improvements at this point rather than any ground-breaking changes.

Caveat... I'd like to see more of the ergonomic changes that newer technologies and visionaries would enable. Think Java Desktop. That's a cool product if it lives up to potential and early peeks.
Yeah, the demo looks really sweet. Spinning windows, nicely scaled video, concurrent video windows, odd-shaped windows, book-shelf window stacking. I highly recommend checking out the demo video at Sun's site if you haven't seen it. I'm sure it requires major horsepower and the demo is probably very, very finely tuned to give the best first-look. But... if it actually performs the way they say it will, that OS will be a serious contender.