MacOS X Screen Saver?!

I am looking for Windows screensavers with OSX look & feel, so I can somewhat feel at home while working on my PC at work. Do they exist?
Originally posted by nkuvu
Mac newbie alert!

So where do you find screensavers for OS X?

at os x/downloads/icons, screensavers,, etc (or something like that.)
I wish someone would port the G-Force itunes /standalone to a screensaver. The state of OS X screensavers is abyssmal and amatuerish (IMHO). About the only decent one out is called Plasma....and I don't even think you can d/l it anymore.
Sorry to dredge this one up again, but I just found an awesome screensaver called ifs this morning.

You can find it here
Under OpenGL Screensavers

Also linked at versiontracker.

This is my new favorite screensaver for Mac OS X.