MacOsX 10.2.5 (6L29) ???



this is new... I have 10.2.5 (6L29) and I have new troubles with the system pane with the Internet tab (if I start Internet the Aqua opens the new "Slide" but the slide is empty and the pane is frozen I can only Kill the System pane to go ahead) And now I have also seen that System9 (Classic) do not start ...
Any idea how to check it ?
I have made a SingleUser /sbin/fsck -y, than I have checked the permissions with FirstAid and also with the Keychain FirstAid but ...
it do not work !

ps I had also print problems that I have solved (I think there is or was a Permissions conflict after installing one of the Developer Updates)

6L29? If I remember right (accidentally I'm on a completelly wrong OS now...) the official was 6L23. If it was so, 6L29 was a developers release ... so, everything's not expected to work correctly.
Hi Giaguara,

I know that this is an unstable Developer Seed, but I hoped that someone hier knows how to fix this bug/bugs with troubleshooting tips...
I have also tried to delete my most preferences (or better remove from ~Library/Preferences/) but it does't works!
I can also try to remove ALL the Preferences, but I'm sure that the problem has begun 4-5 days ago, so I removed all of this with the last 4-5 days Date.

I think it's a Permission conflict ...
the System9 (Classic) tries to start (but the Icon that starts is not the SYS9 but the default-Application-Icon) and after 1 second it's killed -don't starts correctly. :-(
You have to manually erase your Internet prefs. You'll find them somewhere in ~/Library/Preferences ... Then the pref pane should open as usual. Btw. 6L29 is official, nothing wrong... don't go back to 6L23.
Uhmm, it is mad ... It does't work ... it seems to start the GUI Internetpane panel but not find the content that it must be there and for this reason freeze on this empty white-gray window.
I suppose a connection with the also not working start of classic ... I don't know if there way be a connection with the printing problem that I solved 2-3 day ago.???