andychrist devil's plaything Jan 26, 2005 #262 "These people wouldn't smile so big if they knew they were costing EXXON money!" - Car-Pooling Attachments carpool.jpg 42.9 KB · Views: 12
quiksan awesomer... Jan 26, 2005 #264 i tried to find a pool in a car, but the otherway around is even funnier Attachments car_in_pool.jpg 31.1 KB · Views: 12
g/re/p I can haz cigar? Jan 26, 2005 #265 w00t! Attachments Set15_01.jpg 50.3 KB · Views: 15 Picture006_26Jan05.jpg 27.2 KB · Views: 17
Arden Where mah "any" keys at? Jan 27, 2005 #266 So what does that have to do with a car in a pool? Remember, this is association...
Arden Where mah "any" keys at? Jan 27, 2005 #271 And with that, your avatar takes on completely new meaning. ::alien::
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Feb 4, 2005 #278 Click on the image below Attachments lavalamp.jpg 83.3 KB · Views: 12