RGrphc2 ...InSaNe... Aug 8, 2005 #9,446 Prequels (if your a geek you know what prequels were made in "bad taste")
Qion Uber Nothing Aug 9, 2005 #9,450 thank the policitally correct un-worldly being of partial wisdom
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Aug 10, 2005 #9,451 Thank you, policitally correct un-worldly being of partial wisdom. Can we move on now? bulldust
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Aug 10, 2005 #9,452 dustbowl (Hey, we should start a last word association thread... )
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Aug 10, 2005 #9,453 dust devil (that's what we called whirlwinds where I come from)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Aug 11, 2005 #9,458 dentic (a maggot-like creature which one pops into one's mouth to allow them to eat the bacteria and food particles in Farscape, the greatest sci-fi programme ever!)
dentic (a maggot-like creature which one pops into one's mouth to allow them to eat the bacteria and food particles in Farscape, the greatest sci-fi programme ever!)