CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Mar 30, 2006 #10,686 (Personally, of course, I was thinking of the booze… prion
lurk Mitä? Mar 30, 2006 #10,695 That could be an advertising pitch... Fafblog, come for the cheezy graphics, stay for the Dadaesque commentary! ObWord: Anglefire
That could be an advertising pitch... Fafblog, come for the cheezy graphics, stay for the Dadaesque commentary! ObWord: Anglefire
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Mar 30, 2006 #10,697 Michael Jackson (although not much of a saint if you ask me )
ora Registered Mar 30, 2006 #10,698 White. No, sorry, black. Or maybe white after all. On second thoughts I'll go with Crazy.