reed Registered Jun 10, 2006 #11,403 nixgeek I don't follow directions. So I clicked anyway. Classic.
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jun 10, 2006 #11,406 insubordinate (as in, you have to make a word association, hence the title of the thread )
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jun 12, 2006 #11,414 'CIA' (I had a feeling it would go this way.. )
bbloke Registered Jun 12, 2006 #11,415 cover-up nixgeek said: (I had a feeling it would go this way.. ) Click to expand... Wellllll, it was either that or something risque!
cover-up nixgeek said: (I had a feeling it would go this way.. ) Click to expand... Wellllll, it was either that or something risque!
lurk Mitä? Jun 12, 2006 #11,420 Captain // OK, I got kids and Captain Underwear is what comes to mind.